Chapter Eleven : Searching

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Life is shitty, so here's a double update for you guys!
Enjoy! Tell me what you think!


Draco was heaving by the time he made it to the Headmasters gargoyle. He froze in his tracks. What was the password? He told me the password when this all started...what was it...

Draco paced in front of the statue, a distant part of him glad that it and Dumbledore would be the only witnesses to his puffy eyes and wrinkled clothes. If I get in, that is...

Draco tugged at his hair harshly, not feeling the pain. Dumbledore always used candy names, didn't he?

"Lemon drops," Draco spoke, voice cracking. When the statue didn't move, the dread in his stomach grew. "Bertie Botts. Licorice wands. Sugar quills. Blood pops. Sherb-"

With a slight grinding of stone, the statue shifted. Feeling elated, Draco bounded up the steps two at a time, banging loudly on the door to his office. Draco wanted to shout and scream to be let in, but part of him -the part that had grown up under his mother and father's grueling etiquette lessons- kept him from doing so. Another minute passed, feeling like an hour. Draco was ready to forgo his upbringing when he heard the Headmaster's voice.

"Come in."

Draco had barged in the door before he finished speaking, hands red and raw from the wood of the door. Dumbledore raised a hand, but Draco was already in front of him and speaking in a panic.

"Death Eaters came into the room while we were sleeping and they took Harry and he's gone now and I only just woke up because they stunned me and cast the Cruciatus on me and I don't know how long they've been gone but they took Harry and I don't know how to find him and if he's alive or safe or close or anything and-" Draco choked, catching his breath and pressing his palms over his hands.

He fell into the chair in front of the Headmasters desk, sobs shaking him though he made no noise.

After a moment, when his body had stopped trembling, Draco wiped his eyes and sat up straight. Dumbledore looked at him, rubbing his beard and looking far too calm for Draco.

"Can't you cast some sort of advanced tracking charm? Something that could penetrate wards and charms and things? A Locating charm?"

Dumbledore remained quiet. Draco was ready to start tugging on his hair again. "Please, Headmaster. I couldn't do anything, I don't know what to do. He's g-gone. Harry's gone," Draco said quietly, staring at his hands.

I should've been able to do something, anything. I should have kept him safe. He trusted me to do that. I should've...

"Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore started lightly, "you cannot blame yourself. You do not know how they entered, and currently neither do I. Our priority is making sure they cannot come back and harm more students."

Draco leaped out of his chair, anger filling him. "Harry could be dead already! He could be dying! We have to find him!" Draco shouted. Dumbledore gave him a single look, and Draco felt shame filling in as the rage drained. He sat back in his chair, limp. He couldn't bring himself to apologize. Dumbledore didn't seem to expect him to.

Draco watched as Dumbledore cast his phoenix patronus, speaking calmly into it. When his message, simply "come to my office" was complete, he split it into four duplicates and sent them through the door. They were left in silence. Draco didn't move.

Professor McGonagall arrived first. Shortly after her was Professor Flitwick. Draco realized he had summoned the heads of houses before Professor Snape, and Professor Sprout arrived.

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