Chapter Two : Ohhhhh Nooooooooo

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Harry stared at the professor for a moment, his eyes similar to that of a deer in headlights. He looked over at Draco, panic quite clear. Harry wasn't sure why he looked at Draco. He certainly wasn't going to be getting help from the wanker who was filling another small potion bottle. And...were the corner of his lips...twitching?

Hate was clear in his eyes as Draco corked the bottle and shoved it at Harry. Reflexively, Harry took it, lest it crash and break on the floor. Who knew what this monstrosity would do to the floor...who knew what it would do to him.

Draco leaned on his elbow and rested his hand in front of his mouth to hide his smile as Harry dragged his feet up to the teachers desk. He thought Harry may have been attempting to hide in his shirt. Draco made an attempt to stifle his laughter.

"There we go, m'boy! Go ahead, down it goes," Professor Slughorn said happily, encouraging Harry with a large smile. Harry didn't think it was very encouraging.

Harry couldn't have moved the bottle slower. As he finally tipped his head back, he prayed his heart wouldn't explode or something. Knowing his luck...

The bottle was drained, and Harry had a moment to shudder violently. He began to set the bottle down, before he fell down to his knees, gasping in pain. Harry clutched his stomach, and cried out.

"Harry!" Hermione cried out. Her high pitched voice rang throughout the classroom. Professor Slughorn stood on the side worriedly. Like the students, he didn't do much besides stand on the side and watch Harry tremble, though he did prepare another numbing potion along with some other potions his panicked mind thought might be needed.

At first, Draco had had to smother his laughter, but as Harry's trembling turned to convulsions he began to worry. He sat up in his chair, leaning over the cursed cauldron as he and the rest of the class wondered if they were about to see the end of the Boy-Who-Lived.

A small poof was heard, accompanied by a small cloud of green smoke that enveloped Harry. The cloud dispersed quickly. Standing in Harry's place...a boy.

He was young. Draco thought he looked about four. The Hogwarts uniform pooled around him. His shirt barely clinging on a shoulder, while the other sleeve exposed a thin, pale elbow. His shirt was hanging down to his ankles and the pants he had been wearing had dropped to the floor. His hair was long, wrapping around his ears and neck with a curliness that surprised the classroom. Large green eyes stood out behind glasses that were slipping off his nose, before a tiny hand angrily pushed them back up his face.

That...that's Harry Potter. A mini Potter. How disgusting. Draco sneered, looking down, though his expression faltered when Harry tripped trying to untangle himself out of his pooling clothes.

Harry lunged to crab a corner of the desk, catching himself as his foot got tangled in his pant leg. He looked up at the professor with a frown, face flaming as half the class cooed and the other half laughed. "Oh dear, those are a little big now, aren't they? Yes, yes..." Slughorn gave a forced chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood, before quickly dropping the amused expression and murmuring a few words to readjust Harry's clothes.

A moment later, Harry now had clothes that at least stayed up on him. Draco thought the mini-Hogwarts uniform was a bit daft, but what could Draco do? He could laugh at the fool, just as he was.

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