Chapter fourteen

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The next morning was how you'd think It would be. Marina was vomiting before the sun even came up, and every time I'd try to talk to her she'd shush me because her head was hurting so badly. I felt bad, in a way, but it wasn't my fault she was like this. She simply shouldn't have had too much to drink. I'd sometimes be nice enough to hold her hair back, or give her a glass of cold water but I mostly wanted to crawl into bed and think for hours of what happened last night when. Marina had tried to kiss me.

Riley came over at around one, under Marinas request of course. She was feeling better from this morning, but still would tell us to lower our voices- even when we would whisper. They were in the kitchen while I was rested on the couch, listening as they rambled on and on about who knows what. They first talked about what a great time they had last night and how they should do it again, although Marina was in such pain because of the great time they had last night. Then they talked about how their day was, all the boring stuff. I tapped my fingers on the arm of the couch, my head rested on my hand.
"Marina, what do you think of going on a trip together?" Riley spoke, catching my attention.
"A trip? Where?" Marina asked, soon after the suggestion was made. I listened in as best as I could.
"I've always wanted to go to New York City." I sat up quickly, a panicked wave washed over me. We had promised neither of us would go to the city again, unless absolutely necessary due to horrible memories in the past. I stayed on the couch, resting my hands on my lap now.
"The city?" She said in almost a whisper, "I mean, I don't know. What about Elizabeth? I can't leave her here on her own"
"She's not a child, Marina, she can handle herself." I rolled my eyes at the thought of them off in New York City together, falling more and more in love. But Marina was suggesting it, even when both of us swore we wouldn't go there again. It was quiet, for a few minutes actually, until Riley cleared his throat and began to speak again.
"I have a friend named Theo who lives in the city, you're always talking about Elizabeth meeting new people. We can bring her along and they could meet each other. It will be fun Marina, hang loose."
"I'll have to talk to her, I mean I can't just say 'We're going to the city, Elizabeth! Pack your bags so we can take you to meet some random guy'" I could hear the dramatic tone in her voice. I smiled at her cuteness and at least her thought of me. I didn't mind going to the city, I have a love hate relationship with it. Bad things have happened there, but it is one of the places that make me happy. The thing that bothered me most was meeting up with some guy I'd never met that the girl I have feelings for and her boyfriend set up for me. I didn't want it, but I did. I got off the couch and entered into the kitchen as casually as I could, walking to the refrigerator and grabbing at water bottle.
"Liz, we were just talking about you." Marina spoke first. I lifted an eyebrow and turned around to face them.
"You were, were you?" I removed the cap from the bottle and took a sip, waiting for them to go through the plans I had already heard, and that's exactly what they did. I sat there in a trance from marinas beauty, every time she talked it was like an angel whispering in my ear, or like listening to your favorite song on a bad day. I pretended to think about it when they had finished, hope in both of their eyes that I would say yes. Hope in Riley's eyes, so that I would say yes and he can take Marina and get her to fall in love with him more rather than staying here and taking care of me.
"Okay" I moved my hand off the table and inhaled sharply, "I'll go."

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