Chapter seventeen

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Fear rushed over me, It seemed as if everything around me was spinning out of control. My body went in control on its own and I started walking towards the apartment. I wanted to know if the two men were still there, it was certainly out of curiosity. My head was screaming at me not to go, and maybe I should have listened.

Time passed by until I was face to face with the revolving doors to enter the building, I thought it over and decided it wouldn't be safe to go in. I turned on my heel to walk back to the restaurant until I felt a pull on my arm. My heart raced so quickly I thought it was going to pop out of my chest. I didn't dare to turn around, for I already knew who it was.
"Elizabeth?" His voice was soft and quiet, barely audible. I pulled away from his grasp and turned around.
"Barrie." I breathed out, looking up at his face. He looked calm but I knew, deep down he wanted to strangle me. He reached his hand out to touch my cheek, but I moved his hand away and took a step back.
"Don't touch me" I kept my voice sweet, I didn't want him to get the wrong intentions.
"I miss you Lizzy, you ran off without telling me." He was on the verge of tears. I couldn't tell if they were real, or if they were fake but I did feel bad.
"But I'm safe now, you caused me nothing but pain."
"I'm so sorry Lizzy, please come back to me." Tears glazed his eyes but I turned around to look at the restaurant to keep myself from breaking down. I was a sensitive person, I cry when I see other people cry and now wasn't the time to show that trait. "Come back to me, please. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. I love you." He pleaded, he kept repeating come back over and over. I shook my head, "Barrie I'm sorry. I have to go." I talked over him. I started to walk away only to be brought back to him, his face now annoyed but the tears were still streaming down his face.
"I have to go" I repeated, "I have to get back to Ma-" I stopped myself, I couldn't let him know I was still near her. He would probably take me back into the mess of the room we had and knocked me unconscious. He ignored my words and let go of my arm. "Come back!" He screamed at me, I jumped at his booming voice filling my ears. "Barrie keep your voice down honey, we don't want to make a scene-"
"Elizabeth I love you! Come back to me!" he continued to yell over my voice. My legs felt like jello and people were starting to stare. I did what I thought would be the best thing to do, Run. I started running back to where I came from. Something stopped me, a loud ringing noise filled my ears and I couldn't hear a thing. My body felt numb, my legs have out and brought me to my knees against the concrete of the sidewalk. I looked down at my chest, but nothing was there.
Blood. It was on the ground in front of me, I reached behind myself and felt where the pain soon kicked in. More blood, all over my hands. My breathe was shortening as I was now laying on my back. People were crowded around me and Soon enough Marina joined in. The pain on her face was too upsetting to look at as she dropped on her knees next to me. I realized what was going on against the many muffled sirens and screaming of few people around us. I had been shot, and I was going to die here.

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