Chapter thirteen

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Staring. It was all I could do, all I did for the remainder of the night was stare at the glowing red numbers on the digital clock. My body was numb, I couldn't feel anything and I every time I wanted to cry nothing would come out but a painful whimper. I was more than depressed over a person whom I have feelings for. A girl who I have feelings for. I didn't know what to do, I just knew that I wouldn't be able to confess my feelings for Marina. Part of me thought it would be better off going, and maybe If I had actually listened I wouldn't be in such pain right now. She hasn't been home all night, leading me to the thoughts of them getting drunk and sleeping together- which only made me cringe, so I dropped the subject. I soon pulled myself out of bed, every part of my body was tingling. It felt like little needles everywhere, each step I took. I hated Marina, I want to hate Marina. I don't want to be like this, I want to be happy with another man. Not a straight girl. My eyes burned from the sunlight as I swallowed hard, my lips dry and hair a mess. I was to busy focusing on what mess I was to realize the sound of the front door shutting and footsteps climbing up the stairs. I quickly slid into the bathroom, pulling up my hair to at least pretend like I was doing something. I've lived with Marina for months now, and never had I seen her this drunk. She stumbled down the hallway, pressing her small hands on the wall to keep her balance. I watched from the crack of the door as she entered her room, falling onto the bed. I opened the door, stepping down the hallway as the floor creaked and the cold against my feet shooting goosebumps up my legs. I say on the edge of her bed, looking at her brown eyes starting back at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Are you okay, Elizabeth?" She replied back, she was serious and her breathing was steady. Even from where I was sitting, I could smell the strong alcohol smell from her clothing.
"You're drunk, M." I stated. She gave me a funny look and sat up, scooting awfully close to me, it made my stomach tighten up.
"I'm drunk, but I'm not stupid Lizzy." She leaned forward, causing me to scoot back; the vanilla smell was now taken over by alcohol and old cigarettes. "Don't move" She said, scooting closer again and this time leaning her lips to mine. My palms became sweaty when her hand placed on the back of my neck, pulling me even closer to her lips. We were close, our lips almost touching as she kept her eyes closed, waiting. She sat there and sat there, my head exploding with thoughts and my heart racing faster and faster each second. I couldn't take it anymore and pushed away, clearing my throat. She blushed, looking up at me with her innocent eyes. I felt bad for her, but she was drunk. I knew she would forget about it by tomorrow.

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