Chapter two

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The next morning I decided to look more into the note left on the door from last night, Barrie never came home last night leaving me the rest of the morning to myself which is no surprise. I grabbed my robe, sliding it on over my pajamas, slightly fixing my hair before making my way over to the room next to us. I stood there, getting lost in my thoughts of who may be behind that door or if it was all my imagination. For all I know, it could be some killer on the loose or some angry elderly resident. But why the note on the door? I lifted my hand, knocking ever so gently on the door fearing what to come. At first I'd thought I hadn't knocked hard enough; maybe they weren't home. The door then flew open, revealing a fresh, beautiful girl in front of me with a warm smile on her face.

"Sorry, I was just curious to see who moved in" I said quickly, my hands held behind my back.

"No worries" she spoke, her accent echoing in the empty hallway. "I'm Marina, I moved here last night. You are?"

"Elizabeth" I said blankly. I was still taken back of her voice. It sounded relaxing and so quiet.

"Well, Elizabeth" She stepped aside, "Want to come in?" I thought for a minute. I could get killed in there, as innocent as she looked you never know what could happen. But instead I just nodded, awkwardly walking into the bright colored apartment to the central living room.

"It's not done" She smiled at me, taking a seat on the couch. I sat across from her. She looked so natural; so beautiful and petite. Her hair was black and short, her large eyes stared at mine as freckles danced upon her face.

"So, Marina, what brings you here?" I broke the award silence filling the room quickly. She crossed her legs and looked around.

"It's nice and quiet here, I got the room pretty cheap and its a good place for my boyfriend and I" I zoned out after boyfriend, thinking of Barrie as she kept talking. He would be home soon enough, if I'm not there when he's back who knows what he'll do this time. He says he's not hurting me just to do it, but he's trying to teach me a lesson and I believe him. I quickly got up cutting off her sentence.

"Sorry, I've got to go"

"So soon?" She got up as well, pushing her hair from her face.

"I'm sorry, my boyfriend will be home soon" I replied, looking over at the clock on the wall then back to her worried eyes. She didn't say a word, she just nodded and opened the door.

"See you soon, Marina" I walked out, hearing the faint words "Goodbye Lizzy" behind me.

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