Chapter sixteen

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I never asked the reason behind why Marina had pulled me away from Theo, for a minute I thought it would have been from jealousy but then reality kicked its way back into me and knew that that was absolutely not the reason. After hours and hours of talking down in the small restaurant next to the hotel , Riley attempting to give an excuse to leave for "Theo and I to get to know each other more" repeatedly, but we both knew that it was a cheap excuse to go do Marina back in the hotel room before we noticed. My eyes felt heavy, I didn't want to go to the club tonight but I would be dragged there no matter what so I downed maybe three or four glasses of red wine to keep myself going. I had to keep myself back or else I would have fallen out of the chair drunk.
"So Elizabeth, how do you and Marina know each other?" Theo asked. He sat across from me while Marina sat next to me, Riley across from her. I looked at her, her large brown eyes already studying every little detail of myself. I looked back at him and started thinking quickly.
"We were good friends when we were younger" I lied, "We started talking again about two years ago." I didn't want to tell him that I knew Marina because my psycho husband thought I had slept with her or else I'm pretty sure they would be out of here as quickly as they could. Theo seemed like a nice person, but I was sure not to tell him
anything way too personal. I tend to do that a lot, open up to a stranger about past experiences and childhood memories, but know I've learned to place my words my carefully. Theo worked for a record label business, very big and successful, he's been working there several years and I'm assuming that is how he has more money in his back pocket than I have in my life savings. It didn't bother me how self centered he was, I zoned out after hearing something about a red sports car getting into an accident when Marina and Riley caught my eye, leaning very close over the table to each other. It made every part of me burn, I wanted to grab Marina and kiss her as hard as I could, but I knew it wouldn't be appropriate at all and I know that she wouldn't kiss back anyway.
"Elizabeth? You're not answering, are you okay? Have you had too much to drink?" Theo threw multiple questions at me. I shook my head, giving my attention back to him.
"No no, I'm fine. I just kinda zoned." he chuckled at me as I got up, "I just need some fresh air." I smiled in return, making my way towards the doors of the restaurant. I felt sick, but I wasn't sure if it was from the drinks or the couple sitting next to me, or even both. The cool air took over me as the huge doors shut behind me, I closed my eyes and let my dreams take over me.

My eyes quickly opened at the sound of a cop car racing by, as I tried to take in my surrounding as clear as possible. Everything was quiet, for a moment, until I suddenly realized where I was. My breathing seemed to slow down, close to stopping as I tried to relax. I tried to look away but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't, and I was face to face with that old broken down apartment building. The one where we were living in terror with the two monsters we once called our boyfriends.

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