Chapter four

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It was almost around time Barrie came home from work that the rain started pouring down and the winds carried everything in its path along with it. I rested my head onto the side of the couch, Barrie sitting next to me his hand on my leg. We had nothing to worry about for the power going out because we had gotten a generator; though everyone else may have a little problem. Soon the TV became static and we decided to shut it off to save power. I sat up, just before Barrie took my chin pulling my lips to his, as I closed my eyes and let a wave of contentment rush over me. I was glad we acted like a normal couple, we were getting along and I was beyond happy with it. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, as the lights to our apartment went out as well as the hall lights.
"Shit" Barrie mumbled under his breath.
"I thought you said it wouldn't go out"
"Just go get the door for me" he said as he went to check the generator. I went to the door opening it, only to be greeted with marinas bright smile and her boyfriends vicious stare. I stood, confused and scared, as Barrie came from behind me and a warm smile spread across his face.
"Ahh, you're the new neighbors the building is buzzing about" he said. Marina switched glances from me to him.
"It's nice to meet you" her boyfriend said before she could force the words out of her mouth. He held out his hand. "Burns" he shook Barrie's hand, then took mine and placed a soft kiss on it. I gave a small smile and looked at Marina again.
"I'm Marina, his girlfriend" she shook my hand as if we'd never met. "and you?"
"Elizabeth, and this is my boyfriend Barrie" I smiled and just shook her hand back. She soon let go and looked at the both of us.
"Well Elizabeth, our apartment went out and it's barely even heated up in there. And since we see you have power" she looked over my shoulder, "We were wondering if we could stay for a bit?"
She looked hopeful as I stood there with a blank expression and before I could say no, Barrie let out a chuckle and opened the door wider letting them in.
"Of course, it would be great to get to know each other, ill get the beers and wine" he walked to the kitchen as burns followed him leaving Marina and I alone. I shut the door behind her and started walking back to the living room, only to have my arm grabbed and spun around to face her. We were close, like almost touching noses close. I took a step back and pulled my arm away.
"Why are you ignoring me, Liz?" She asked, stepping toward me again. I felt her breathe hitting against my face; her vanilla scent taking over me.
"I'm not ignoring you. i just think it'd be better to stay away" I replied. she looked confused, but quite honestly I wanted nothing to do with her.

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