Chapter 37

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Heavens, it is him!

Doesn't everyone has a destiny? But some say we make our own...But what possibly you could do now? Everything just comes and stops at him. Even after four years it chose to stop at him. After all these years a 'new life' wasn't a new one at all but the same one, same chapter which was fooling you in the name of 'brand new life, new start' The important thing for now is, do you still have feelings for him or just that 'blind love'?

He was looking at you with shock and his son pulled his hand. You looked away and walked off. A teacher came and tried to calm the kid down. His cries were getting louder and louder. You came back to him, knelt down and took the kid in your embrace. He hugged you tightly and soon stopped crying.

Jungkook knelt down too and looked at you, you smiled at the kid and said, "Don't cry, baby. Your father will be around here. He's not leaving you"

You wiped his tears and said, "Good children don't cry. Now, smile" you smiled sweetly making the kid smile. And Jungkook smiled too but faded soon as the past came in front of his eye.

Jungkook spoke, "Thanks" you didn't respond and another teacher joined you guys and said, "What a cute family you got, Sir"

He said, "No! We're not a family" you left immediately.

Him. He's everything. His voice. His eyes. It's just everything about him. You don't wanna think about him but can't help. He's just so special.


Later that day~

It was time to pick up Tzuyu. You drove and glanced at your watch still five minutes to go. You went and sat on one of the bench and waited for her. The bell rings and it gets crowded. You bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking" you say.

"Don't insult that word 'sorry' you don't know how it has to be used" the reply was from Jungkook. He rolled his eyes and walked to his son. He hates you now, doesn't it? Well, why do you care? He's nothing to you anyway.

Tzuyu came running towards you as you bent down and hugged her. She was so happy to see you. You said, "How was good girl's day? Did you make any friends?"

She happily shared her every moment with you, "Yes, mom! I made so many friends. Rose, Lisa, Jisoo and Jinnie. They're very nice."


Next day~

"WHAT?! His son goes to the same school as Tzuyu?" Moonbin's anger came back.

You said, "Yes. Even I was in shock at first"

He said, "I'll take her to school you don't need to go, YN-ah. I'll drop her first and go to office and i'll pick her up too. Hmm?"

You don't want to say yes because a part of your heart wants to see him. But you agreed anyway.

Tzuyu said while Moonbin tied her shoelaces, "I want to go with mommy! Please, daddy"

Moonbin said, "I know, sweetheart but she have works to complete so let's go with dad today?"

Tzuyu pouts and looks at you, "Sorry, baby. Tomorrow I'll come" you say.

Tzuyu nods slowly and Moonbin pecks your lips and exits.

Something doesn't seem right. You know Moonbin since so long and now you're married to him for four years and you've such a beautiful daughter. But what seems so off to you? And since yesterday, this question has grew and took a huge place in your heart. Is it because of him?


Tzuyu reached her school and Moonbin got a call. He said, "Hey, honey, dad should go now come quickly we shall find your teacher"

Her tears welled up again. Nina looks at Tzuyu and comes, "Mr. Moonbin, right? I met your wife yesterday"

Moonbin said, "Oh yeah. Thanks for taking care of my daughter. Now, I shall leave I'm in a rush"

Tzuyu held his hand and started to cry, "Daddy don't go...sit on those benches and wait for me...don't leave"

Moonbin said, "What?"

Nina signaled him through eyes to agree and Moonbin said, "Oh yeah! Sure! I'll be right there. I'll wait" and kissed her cheek.

When she left with her teacher. He turned around to leave but saw Jungkook in front of him. Jungkook didn't say anything instead glared at him and waved at his son.

Moonbin said, "Look, who's here"

Jungkook didn't respond. Moonbin continued, "Looking forward to break her heart again?"

Jungkook scoffed and said, "I don't give two shits about her, neither you, nor anyone as stupid as you. Break her heart? Dude, go and tell this to her instead of lecturing me"

Moonbin left mumbling, "Whatever"


You called a director for your work..

YN: Hello, this is YN

Director: Oh! Author YN! How are you?

YN: I'm good, Sir. I had this script and I wanted you to have a look at this

Director: Oh..My apologies, Mam. I'm currently busy with another project so..

YN: It's okay. Alright. Cool.

You hung up. Your works aren't having much value as they did before. No one is signing any work with you anymore. You aren't that great author you were before. Your market value was shrunk very badly. You worked hard to get it back up but failing miserably.

You cried silently watching the script in front of you. The work which gave you this name, money and shelter isn't valuable now. It was a very worse feeling. Home runs by Moonbin's salary making you an all time home maker. You don't complain being a home maker but the fact that your works are having no value is vulnerable.


It was time to pick her up. You called Moonbin, he didn't pick up. You called so many times but no. He won't pick up.
You started to get ready to pick her up by yourself.

Meanwhile at school,

Tzuyu ran out to see her dad but he wasn't at the benches. She looked around getting scared by seeing unknown people passing by. Her eyes got teary and her heart started to beat fastly. She sat on the ground crying. Jungkook saw her and his heart melted at the sight.

He came to her and picked her up. She thought it is Moonbin because he had a same shirt as her dad so she hugged him tightly and started to complain, "Where were you? I was so scared, daddy"

Jungkook understood that she mistook so he hugged back. It reminded him of your scent. Your touch. Your presence. A tear rolled down his eyes and he hugged her close to his heart and caressed her hair.

Jinwoo said, "Hey! He's my dad! Not yours!" Jungkook shushed him. Tzuyu didn't hear him as her sobs were louder. He pinched Jinwoo's cheek and said to be quite.

As you came you didn't see her anywhere. Did Moonbin picked her up? You called him he didn't answer again. You ran to Nina and found out that she was already gone out of the corridors.

You ran back to the playground and saw Jungkook hugging her. You were confused at first but called her, "Tzuyu!" She broke the hug and looked at you and her eyes grew big in happiness. She looked at Jungkook and took few steps back and ran towards you.

Jungkook stood up and looked your way. Tzuyu hugged you. You walked up to him and said, "Thanks, Ju-Jungkook"

He said, "Can you please- let's see what he said in the next chapter. And as always, thanks for reading.

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