Chapter 30

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The online meeting came to an end. And you were happy that work is all going good.

You closed your laptop and went to your mini- library when there was an angel at your desk with a book.

"What you're reading?" You asked.

"Just some wizardry" Angel replied.

"Harry Potter?"

He said, "No, Hermione Granger"

You rolled your eyes and went to grab a book for yourself. When you sat down at your desk beside him there you saw an unfamiliar book.

It was a poetry book. With a note peeking through the pages, it read, "To the most beautiful lady. With love" you looked at him and he was smiling.

"You're welcome" he said with his bunny smile.

You said, "Aww! Thank you so much, Kookie-ah"


He was reading the book for you while you were cooking.

"She doth teaches the lights to burn bright..." He read.

"It is such a brilliant poetry! Shakespeare is my favourite" you exclaimed.

He continued, "Her name was YN, elegant and smart. Her looks attracted everyone and she was in search of her one true love. She keeps it simple and so shines. Like her no one...never will be. Ever"

He looked at you and you were smiling so brightly. His words touched your heart!

You went to him and hugged him. You said, "Jungkook, the poet"

He chuckles.


He got a call. He excused himself and went to answer it.

You continued to watch TV.

"My friend is in town" he said

You asked, "This? Here? In Cincinnati?"

He said, "Yeah. He wants to meet for an article which he has been writing about me. Will you mind if I call him here? I know you're now a celebrity and strangers in here-"

You cut him off and accepted, "I'll give you the correct address to send him"

He smiles and thanked you.

You asked, "What's his name by the way?"

He answered, "You know him. It's gonna be a surprise"

You said, "Do I?"


Next day~

You were done with breakfast and you were on your desk writing for a daily newspaper article and when the doorbell rings you go to get the door.

There he was! Kim Taehyung!

You smiled so brightly and held your mouth in surprise. His eyes widened as he wasn't expecting you to be here. He exclaimed, "Oh My god! YN?!"

He rushed in and hugged you tightly. You did the same back. Jungkook came downstairs and saw you both like that. His smile flew away. He cleared his throat and climbed down the remaining stairs.

Taehyung hugged Jungkook too but bunny broke the hug real quick. Both the boys turned at your happy face and smiled.

You said, "Taehyung, I'm so happy to see you. How are you?"

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