Chapter 13

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"From tomorrow vacation, but it doesn't mean that you're supposed to waste your time on stupid video games and doing nothing. Vacations are for to learn new things and explore new places. So see y'all after 2 months, happy holidays. Until next time" You finished your job as a teacher and bid farewell to your students for two months from now.

When you exited the classroom, the hallways were crowded with students. Everyone were so excited for their vacations and so you were too. You jostled some people until you reached the staff room. You took your bag, umbrella and left.

Today you decided to take a long walk from university to your home, you opened the umbrella and walked.

Here on the other hand,
Jungkook was going to get his lunch when he saw a familiar figure across the road.

She's looking like a princess walking down the aisle with her parasol and the trees welcomed her and the birds were singing, the leaves blows her hair and the air touches her skin so delicately and the sun rays getting disappointed as they can't see her face due to her umbrella. When our eyes met, magical! Her eyes sparkled and she closes her umbrella.

She spoke, "Hey Jungkook, you're here for lunch?"

He replied, "Yea, you too?"

She said, "No I was actually going home"

He asked, "Want me to drop you?"

She deny, "No, it's okay, I'm fine"

He offers for lunch, "Come let's have lunch together"

You being, sweet agrees.

You guys sat across each other and chitchat until your orders arrive.

He asks, "So 2 months holiday, what plans you've got?"

You answered, "I don't know yet. Maybe focusing more on my scripts"

He then says, "Guitar? I mean.. You're free though... "

You chuckle and say, "Sure, wanna come over today after your work?"

He says, "Loved to only if you don't mind me"

She says, "Not at all, Jungkook"


Evening at YN's home,

"So he's coming? I don't know why you're being so sweet towards him. He's such a jerk why you're doing all this? I really don't get it YN"

Moonbin complains as you were fixing the living room walking here and there. You sit down and look at Moonbin who's complaints weren't getting to an end.

You say, "I know he's a jerk but you know I love him, Moonbin"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Love? So stupid YN! So stupid! You love that jerk? You know you deserve someone better than that human!"

You chuckle and reply, "Calm down hippo, you'll like him too just give him another chance? Everyone deserves another chance so try to see another side of Jungkook as I did, hmm?"

He rolls his eyes again and throws his hands in the air whispering a "whatever" He leaves the scene and you just sit there heaving a sigh and massaging your temples.

Soon you heard the doorbell startling you. You answered the door, there he stood, the love of your life. You warmly welcome him in. He takes his coat off and hangs behind the door.

You guys sit at the fireplace.
You say, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll get you some coffee"

He agrees and sits on the sofa. In the background, the sound of rain hitting the glass windows, sound of the fire nearby were accompanying the silent tracks of Elvis. He scan the room which was made out of wood and the scent was so soothing. There laid so many books in different languages. German, Hindi, Kannada, English and Japanese too. Some papers besides them were hand written. He picks a paper and notice the beautiful handwriting. It read, "Thousands of faces passed the streets of my heart in search of that location but you successfully made it through and reached your destination. The strings of my heart started to play, a love song for you. Confession was made-"

"Oh! You read it? You mustn't do that" Hurriedly you took that paper from Jungkook's hand and placed it in a random book.

Jungkook felt guilty for his act and apologized immediately, "I'm so sorry YN, I didn't mean to..... But the handwriting was so nice that I wasn't able to help myself but to read.... Sorry"

You close your eyes and mentally curse yourself for overreacting over such a small thing. You say, "No, Jungkook. It's okay. I just don't like it when anyone reads my unfinished work without my permission"

He says, "Well...I will remember that next time"

You chuckle and place the tray containing two coffee cups, a coffee pot and some biscuits.

You say, "Alright then, let's have coffee"

You then pour some coffee and asks, "How much sugar?"

He replies while taking his seat across her, "Two"

You add two spoons of sugar and stirs it well and places it in front of the young man. He takes his small sips and his gaze was still over the books.

You say, "They're dictionaries"

He asks, "Nice, you know 5 languages? Impressive"

You blush and thanked him. You place your cup down and say, "Wait here until I get my guitar"

He nods and you leave the scene.

He patiently waits for you to come while drinking his coffee, he remembers those days when he spent in this house but didn't notice how elegant this house actually is! Every corner was beautiful and comfy.
He loved the way you decorated home with those modern lights and furnitures.

You walk back with a brown wooden guitar. You ask, "Ready for this?"

He says, "Yes"

You ask again, "Are you sure?"

He chuckles and replies, "Definitely"

You whisper, "Alright then" and starts off with a slow tune.

The house was filled with the notes of guitar when your skilled hands played that musical instrument with so much of passion. Your eyes were closed, in taking all those tunes and the rhythms. The tune was calm and Jungkook was feeling like he was in a concert and he can't help but tap his foot along with her guitar.

An old 90s Korean love song you played, Jungkook closed his eyes and felt every beat striking his heart with melody and the love you filled in it.

The song ended and you both open your eyes slowly, looking at each other. He came and hugged you tightly. He said, "That was so good YN! I didn't know you could play guitar this amazingly"

You said, "Thanks Jungkook, but I think I need to learn more"
He broke the hug,
He said, "What you're talking about? You're like a professional already!"

You chuckled at his remark.

"Hey crocodile, can I get today's newspaper-" Moonbin walked in and stops as he saw Jungkook. His eyes were shooting death glares towards the bunny seeing him very close to you.

You asked, "Hey, you need newspaper? It's on the dining table"

He simply walks out of the room. You look at Jungkook and he was already looking at you. Your eyes locked with his sparkling one. The reason you love him are his beautiful eyes which can't lie, which are so pure. You always wanted to look in his eyes and never look away. But he doesn't give you a chance to do so, right? Or, will he?

He smile at you. Dang! His smile is so adorable, you wanna squish his cheeks, but you control yourself from attacking him. Lol

When you get busy in your thoughts and didn't remember to smile back at him, his smile faded and he looked away. You took a step forward to him and his eyes diverted at you again with shock, you held his neck and pulled him closer, his eyes went wide, he was Jungshook! You leaned in and kissed him!

And as always, thanks for reading
Saranghaeyo 💙

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