Chapter 6

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Few days later~

You woke up hoping to have a good day and saw some papers in front of you. You rubbed your eyes and looked at them.

They were.......

Divorce papers!

Jungkook already signed it? He really did this?

You teared up and your vision was blurry. You ran downstairs. He was in the kitchen.
You walked to him

He said, "I've singed it, you sign it too"

You said, "Jungkook? You seriously gonna leave me?"

He replied, "You wanted it anyway"

You said, "I thought we'll somehow manage it, I feel so bad for loving you in the first place! I had so many plans for our future
Fine! I'll sign it for you. I don't want to be with you by forcing you"

He said, "But-"

You ran upstairs and sat on your bed. Your hands were shaking, tears rolled down. You signed it. You took off your wedding ring.

He entered your room and he looked down

He said, "Goodbye"

You didn't reply but gave him the papers and the ring.

As the door closed, your world collapsed. Maybe you weren't his 'Miss Right'. Maybe you didn't have the quality which Jungkook's ideal type should've.

Or maybe you were wrong when you loved him and gave your whole heart to him.

Time passed, it was evening.
Your phone buzzed.

*Incoming call by Jungkook❤*

You hesitantly answered it.

YN: Hello?

??: YN? Is this YN?

YN: Yes I'm YN, who are you? Where's Jungkook?

??: This phone's owner got into an accident, ambulance is on its way. Come to Seoul city hospital soon.

Before you say anything the call ended.
You rapidly drove to the hospital.

You entered his room and told the doctors that you are his wife.
"His hand is fractured" Said the doctor. "It'll take 2 or 3 months to heal"

You asked, "When can I take him home?"
He replied, "Let him stay here for a week, then take him"
You thanked him and he left.

You walked to Jungkook. He looked away. You sat beside him, from morning you've been crying and your eyes were so red.

You asked, "Is it paining much?"

He replied, "I'm fine"

You asked, "Where were you going? How did this happen?"

He explained, "I was going to get something to eat and a kid was about to hit my car so I did something with the steering and I ran into a wall"

You said, "Jungkook, I know you don't want me to be here but please let me stay. I really want to help you"

He looked at you and saw your eyes.
He asked, "What happened to your eyes? Why are they so red?"

Coz I've been crying for a jerk

You replied, "Don't worry about it, I'm alright"

He looked away and you said, "After a week we can- I mean, you can go home I'll take care of you until then"

He asked, "Will you be able to manage your work?"

You answered, "I'll manage it Jungkook, you don't worry about it" You added, "I'll go get something to eat for you"

When you were about to get out he called you, "YN.... "

You looked at him and he said, "Thank you"

You smiled and left.

After your meal you said,
"Jungkook, I'll be staying the night here and I'll be going to home at 5 in the morning, after my work I'll directly come here with food. I'll tell the nurse to manage your breakfast, lunch and other needs you gonna be okay with that, right?"

He said, "You can just stay at home"

You said, "I'll take that as a 'yes' then"

Next morning~

Your alarm went off. You glanced at Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully.

You walked to him, "Get well soon Jungkook, I love you"

You planted a kiss on his forehead. You took your bag and phone and went to home.

As you left. He opened his eyes.
Yeah he was pretending to be asleep. He felt hurt by seeing what he had done to you. He has been always cold towards you but then he realized that you never ever complained about it and always took care of him. Did whatever was possible from your side. He realized your love towards him was unconditional, pure and not at all selfish.

Later that day,

It was your lunch break and you called Jungkook,

JK: Hello?

YN: Jungkook, did you eat?

JK: Yeah

YN: Alright, I'll be at 4 in the evening. Bye

JK: Bye

You felt reliefed about the fact that he ate his lunch and happy because he answered your call.

(At evening)

You entered his ward and he was sleeping. You walked to him and sat on the chair beside his bed and admired his beauty.

[You're such a creep YN!]

You felt tears on your cheeks. You spoke lightly making sure you won't disturb him

"Can't we give one chance for our relationship, Jungkook? I can't live without you. You're such a special person to me, I know these kinda sentences are cringy but they're true"

And as always, thanks for reading

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