Chapter 42

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[Sorry! I took forever to update. I was just not getting any motivation to write. But, today it was perfect to continue with this chapter. Happy reading]

The next morning~

It was peaceful. Jungkook gave you a room upstairs beside his. He knocked on your door. You greeted him, "Good morning"

He replied with a smile on his face, "Good morning, YN. I was wondering what Tzuyu likes in breakfast"

You said, "Don't worry about it. You can prepare ..wait...let me cook. You're doing so much for me and that's the least I could do for you, right?"

He said, "It's okay, YN. I can-"

You cut him off and said, "I'll make your favourite. I'll be down in few"

He smiled and nods his head.


You were in the kitchen when Jungkook joins you. He looks at you and asks, "Did you sleep well?"

You replied, "I slept great. I'm just worried about the answer which I'll be telling to Tzuyu. I don't know how she'll react. I'm so scared"

He says, "I'll manage"

And you heard Tzuyu calling you so you excused yourself. She was scared by the new place. When she saw you she ran to give you a tight hug.

Jungkook followed. You looked at him. He said getting her attention, "Good morning, Tzuyu"

She looked at him and wished him good morning. He said, "My hug?" She giggled and gave him a hug. She asked you, "Mom, where's dad?"

Jungkook answered, "He's gone to Tokyo for work. Until then you and mommy will be staying here"

She said, "But he didn't tell me anything"

You said, "Because he was in a rush and he left quickly. Now, come brush your teeth"


You both dropped them to school and he looked at you. He didn't know how to make things right but he's sure that one day he will bring happiness to you. Would never hurt you and never see you in pain.

He said, "If you want to go to library then I can drop you."

You smiled and replied, "So thoughtful of you. Moonbin never asked me this even though he knew how much I love books. And yes, drop me there"

As the engine came to life. A silence was there. Peaceful one. Radio was on and the weather was perfect. He spoke, "I want you to play guitar"

You replied, "I would definitely but my guitar is in that house"

He said, "So, few days are left for me to hear you play guitar"

You said, "You mean I'll get my home back in 'few days' huh?"

He nods his head.

After you reached the library he said, "I'll be late today. Don't wait for me you can have dinner with the kids and go to sleep. me before you leave and after reaching home"

You chuckled and said, "Okay. What if I wasn't there to take care of Jinwoo?"

He said, "I'd ask you to take care of Jinwoo when we'd meet at the kindergarten" he winked.

You laughed and bid bye.


Later that day~

Tzuyu and Jinwoo were asleep and you were preparing for bed. You wanted to know when bunny would return. It was 23:00 already. You called him and heard the door open. You went and saw a tired Jungkook. You said, "Jin was asking about you since he returned home. Now, he's asleep"

Jungkook replied, "Now it feels like home"

You asked, "What do you mean?"

He came closer to you and said, "From morning everything feels like home. Like a family. Tzuyu and your presence made everything change. I love it"

You looked down, blushing. He smiled and said, "Wish, this was my real family"

You looked up at him and he was serious. He leaned in and kissed you. Nothing and no one can make you feel as Jungkook does. His touch is magic. His lips were extremely soft. You gently pushed him and asked, "What are you doing"

He said, "You're mine, YN. You're, reserved"

And he leaned in to kiss you again. This time more passionately. He pulled you closer and deepened the kiss. He made sure that you know how much he missed you. He pinned you to the wall and this time the kiss was rough. He broke the kiss and looked at you. You were blushing so hard. He chuckled and kissed your cheek and went back to your lips, slowly kissing you. You don't want to push him away. Why?


Next morning,

After dropping kids to school. You drove with Jungkook. He said that he hired a lawyer to get back your home. These things were too much. Fighting for the things which is clearly yours is frustrating.

When you guys made it to the court. You were nervous. Jungkook held your hand and said, "Don't worry. She's a very good friend of mine. She dealt with these kind of cases before too. She's trustworthy and capable to get your property back."


So, now it's crystal clear that Jungkook loves YN more than anything and is ready to accept Tzuyu as his daughter. What about YN? Will she accept Jungkook again or will she try to find her own way of life? Let's meet in the next chapter, y'all.

And as always, thanks for reading!

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