Chapter 7

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The following day,

You woke up in the hospital, Jungkook was asleep. You walked to him and said the same thing,

"Get well soon Jungkook, I love you so much"

You left to home and Jungkook opened his eyes. He thought about how you treat him and compared it to the way he treats you. He wanted to give this relationship a chance.

After your lunch you called him,

JK: Hello?

YN: Hey Jungkook, did you eat?

JK: Yea

YN: Alright good, see you later, bye

JK: Wait

YN: Yes Jungkook?

JK: D-did you eat?

YN: Uh yea

JK: Ok see you later, take care, bye

He hung up.





The rude human aka Jeon to the freaking Jungkook asked about your food?? And said to take care? Huh? You gotta be kidding me!!

You blushed and continued the day

(Later that day)

You arrived at hospital. You went to Jungkook and opened the door.

He was trying to sit up. He was having difficulty so you dropped your bag and fastly walked upto him and helped him up.

You held his hand which isn't fractured and slowly helped his body to sit. Your faces were inches apart. You could feel his breath. You felt him looking at you.

He mumbled a 'thanks' and you smiled

You moved away immediately and placed your bag on the table.

He said, "Umm.. I wanted to tell you something"

You looked at him in response and he continues, "So I was thinking that we should give our relationship a chance, what say?"

You said, "If you really want it then alright I don't have any problem"

He thought you gonna freak out but you didn't. You were freaking out inside your mind. You acted cool.

He said, "Alright then"

You were sitting on the couch beside his bed and doing some work of your university when he intruppets,

"If you're free, can we talk?"

You look at him with your eyebrows raised and he adds, "Because, I'm kinda bored"

You close your books and say, "What you wanna talk about?"

JK: Tell me about yourself, about your books

YN: I am addicted to books you see, there's nothing in life but books for me. I started to write when I was 10 and now it took me till here. Hunting many horror content books and reading them all night by loosing sleep and writing some reviews over them which helped me writing my own stories afterwards.

JK: Sorry to intruppet but who is your favorite writer?

YN: Girish Karnad of Karnataka, India. He wrote so many plays and won so many awards. His famous work 'Yayati' never fails to motivate me, all his works are amazing and his explanations are truly a masterpiece. He's a legend!

JK: Wow! What about your hidden talents?

YN: I play guitar

JK: You do?

YN: Yea, home learnt

JK: That's impressive! I would like to hear it once

YN: Sure, tell me when you'd like to hear

JK: Tomorrow?

YN: Alright

JK: What's your favorite dish?

YN: I can't pick, I love everything

Then the conversation lasted till 2 in the morning. You guys laughed and got to know each other better.

You both didn't share the same interests but you appreciate whatever they're. You guys never talked like this before but now you do. Like friends you did, but you're happy that at least you guys tried.

And as always, thanks for reading

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