Chapter 43

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My apologies for updating late again.
Enjoy the story ahead,

You stepped out of the car and entered a two storied home. It was modern and beautiful. Grey walls with white curtains and the scent was refreshing. A statue of Buddha sits at the back of the room with an artificial indoor waterfall. It was so relaxing.

Jungkook greets the lawyer, "Hey Riyo! How are you?"

They exchange a hug and she replies, "I'm good as always, Jungkook. Is this my client which you mentioned earlier?"

Jungkook says, "Yes. She is YN. And YN she is Riyo. We were classmates at high school. She won many cases and she is perfect to get your property back."

You smiled at her and wished, "Hello, madam. I've many hopes from you"

She puts her arm on your shoulder and assures, "Leave it on me, YN. And call me Riyo"

You look at Jungkook and she continues, "Let's discuss the case, shall we?"


Tea was served and you were ready to tell her everything.

You start, "After marriage everything was perfect. We didn't have any problems. Then Tzuyu was born. Happiness doubled. Then, I started to give my maximum time to Tzuyu and barely got time to write for daily articles for newspaper and books which resulted drastic change in my career. No one contacted me related to work. Moonbin was there with me at that time. Then, one day my friend visited me, Mera. That is when I started to lose Moonbin. I never thought that he will leave me for someone else and look at my fate, whom did he cheat on me with, the girl who called herself as my friend, Mera. She broke my relation. Then, I moved in temporarily with Jungkook, lied to my daughter that Moonbin's off to Tokyo. The other day when I went to kick him out of my home he showed me the papers which said that the home was now his. He clearly said that Mera used the fake signature to make this happen. I don't know anymore. I just want my home back!" tears rolled down your cheeks, your eyes were full of anger.

Riyo said, "If she faked the signature then it's sure that she practiced it somewhere first. We need to find that paper where she practiced it. It'll be the greatest witness and YN I need all those documents of property if possible. We need to research about all that."

Jungkook asked, "How will we find that book where she practiced that?"

Riyo replied, "I don't know, Jungkook. If it's there then it'll be a plus point"


"You sure, Jungkook?" You asked fixing your gloves.

He said, "Of course. We need to break into the house or else there's no way that we can find that 'practiced' book"

You got out of the car which was parked few houses back. It was late night and you got in with the spare key which you had. So dark and silent it was. You looked around to see where Moonbin is at but he was nowhere to be found. You went upstairs but he wasn't there either.

"He isn't home, Jungkook" you whispered.

He said, "Isn't it the great thing. Let's get into work. Find everywhere you can"

The search began. You two had your phone's torch on and searched all over the place. Jungkook was searching upstairs and you were downstairs.

Every cabinet and every drawer you looked, every file and every book. But, now you completed searching in every inch of the room and so disappointed that you got no clue.

As a tear rolled down your cheek, Jungkook called you to come upstairs. In hope for him to tell that he found the papers, you rushed.

He held a book in his hand, he said, "Here it is. They practiced signature in this book. It was in that drawer beneath couple of other books"

You wasted no time and left the house quickly. You ran to the car and dorve away. As the streets were passing by you opened the book and saw that the sign has been made so many times.

You asked Jungkook, "What if Mera denies that it was done by her and blame it on me instead saying that I faked it by signing it in a book by myself?"

Jungkook said, "I have no idea. We did what Riyo wanted us to do. Let her handle this further"

You said, "I think keeping this with us any longer will be danger. We shall inform Riyo soon"


Next day~

"Excellent! Now, a forensic examiner will take care of this" Riyo said looking at the book. She left to make a call leaving me and Jungkook in her office.

Jungkook looked at me and said, "YN, be strong. I'm with you"

You smiled and he took your hand and kissed it making you blush. You smiled and looked away.

He said, "We will together make everything ok as before"

Later that day,

You guys learnt that the signature has been made by a person who uses left hand mostly. Then the investigators asked you, "Did Mera use left hand?"

You answered, "Yes. She used left hand but that is when she ate, I have never seen her write anything."

Riyo said, "Let's see when will we get the date for the case"


Few days later~

After dropping the kids to school you and Jungkook left for court.
You got a call from Riyo, "Hey YN, I know you are nervous but don't you worry. We'll win the case."

You replied, "Thank you so much, Riyo. I'm glad that you're handling my case. I'm full of confidence now."

She said, "Alright, see you soon"

You reached and as you went in. Mera and Moonbin were sitting already. They were furious. After that day when Moonbin said that the house was his you didn't see his face from then but now.

While passing by him he said, "Fighting with me is stupid. You'll loose just like you lost your job, Loser"

Jungkook said, "I hate dog which only knows how to bark"

There began a staring contest. You pulled Jungkook and said, "Calm down, Jungkook. Talking to him is a waste of time."

Judge entered the room. You all stood up and sat following him. Every evidence were kept. Argument went on and on and on. Each statement made by Riyo made success come and kiss your feet. The day was long. The Judge heard from both the lawyers and documented. Throughout the argument Jungkook was looking at you, making sure you don't become weak by any remark.

The case even went with the topics related to Tzuyu and Jungkook. You told everything clearly about those relations and also about the relation between you and Moonbin. The custody matter was too involved now, for which Jungkook spoke that he would take a better care when you move in with him after marrying. For first, you were shocked to listen what Jungkook said but when you sensed his confidence and purity in each word he spoke made you relax and to agree with it. After all, he still owns your heart and you can't deny it anymore after being this close to him all over again. Riyo handled the case in the best way possible making sure that it won't go anymore further. But, she couldn't help as Tzuyu was absent today at the court for custody matter and also for the final judgement. The case would continue in next two days.

Will Tzuyu be able to live without her father? Won't she be excited to see Moonbin and run to his arms happily? How the judgement gonna be? Will you get the custody or Moonbin? How complicated can this become further? A peaceful life is too much to ask?
And as always, thanks for reading.

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