An awkward encounter

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I awoke on a cold metal table. The metal was hard against the back of my head so I leaned up to get away from the uncomfortable metal table. I looked around and by my side were two animatronics, Mangle and Foxy. I smiled down at them seeing they were both asleep with their heads laying on the table and them just barely staying in their chairs. I slowly slipped out off the table and on the ground. The room was pretty dark other than the dim light that shined right above the table. I could see a little light from under the door and started heading towards it. As I walked I tripped on what felt like a metal stick and a groan was heard in the dark of the room. I saw white circles appear in the dark. I watched as the circles seemed to scan around the room before landing on me. She stands up and begins walking towards me. I took a step back as the eyes approached and nothing else of the body was seen in the darkness. Suddenly I saw a yellow hand extended towards me and an almost echoey feminine voice spoke.

"Good morning, I don't believe we've met." the voice states. I, untrusting of this new person, don't shake her hand.

"Ah... ok. Not much for handshaking I see." she puts her hand down and it disappears back into the darkness. We sat there quietly for a second before I break the silence.

"who are you?" I ask and I watch as she blinks for a second (her white circles kept disappearing).

"Oh yeah... you can't see me." she realized and she stepped forward and I saw her body start to appear in front of me. It was her, the murder of my little cousin. I felt rage fill me and I balled my hand into a fist.

"Hey, are you ok?" she asks with concern in her voice.

"You killed him" I mumbled

"What was that?"

"You Killed Him!" I shouted, she stepped back slightly and we heard the door swing open up. Light fills the room and the tears I subconsciously had forming in my eyes blurred my vision. I hear a quiet 'meow' and look over to see Bonnie and Freya standing there. Zeus was in Bonnie's arms and jumped off her and ran at me. He jumped on my chest and climbed up. He climbed up and sat on my shoulder. His head rubbed against my cheek and began to purr. My hand unclenched and I lifted it to my shoulder to pet my kitten.

"Missed me Zeus?" I asked and got a tiny meow and more purrs in response. I looked at Golden Freya and my new found smile faded for a second.

"We'll talk about it later." I look over to the metal table to see Mangle and Foxy still passed out. As I walked towards the door, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned to see Golden Freya's hand on the opposite shoulder of Zeus and her eyes looking into my eyes with curiosity. Her face then becomes a mixture of sadness and disgust.

"You're from 11 years ago. You're the kid's best friend." she states with sadness in her voice.

"I am so sorry." she says as her voice gets lower.

"Now you realize." I say sarcastic tone

"We'll talk about it in private." I begin to walk past Bonnie and Freya and to Foxy's cove. I grab the red blanket of her bed and take them to the parts and service room again. I toss a blanket on Foxy and Mangle and wait for them to awaken as I lie down on the floor and stare at the ceiling. Now it was just waiting.

Hey Guys, It's me. it's been a while. We hit 3K and that's so cool. Thanks for all the support and comments helping me out so far. See ya next time

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