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idrk what to do with the story now, but i'll try my best. i was a little bit tired when writing this, so; i'm sorry if it's bad

What's thats smell? It smells like cake?

Chocolate? No, that's not it..

Vanilla.. no.. what could it be?

Wait.. is that..? Banana?..... It is!

Why does it smell like bananas. Is someone making banana bread? or banana cake.. or banana pancakes?! I have to go look!

I changed into a gray sweatpants and hoodiw first before walking out into the kitchen. I suddenly thought to myself, what if someone has broken in and just eaten all my food? I arrived in the kitchen and bumped into a strong af back. Ow. I looked up and met face to... neck, with..

"Jin? What are you doing here?"

He turned around, startled by my sudden decision to speak.

"I- I was gonna surprise you by making food and then leaving, but you seem to have woken up.. it was by the smell, right?" He smiled slightly and rubbed his hand on his neck.

"Yeah, smells delicious though. Thanks Jin, i appreciate it," He smiled and turned back around, making sure the pancake laying on the pan wouldn't burn. Seokjin has always been nice to everyone, even tho he is a bit strict sometimes with some of his other friends. He has always had a soft spot for me, ever since we met. He and Namjoon though... they were definitely something else..

"Hey.. since you're here.. you could eat with me?" I asked and tapped his back. He smiled at me and nodded in response.

I took two plates and two cups out of the cupboard and placed them on the table. I also took out silverware too and some syrup for the pancakes. Jin had already put milk and sugar on the table.

Jin was finally done baking the pancakes and placed them on the table. He sat down and took the top pancake. "Go. Take one," He said and pointed at the table with open hands.

I hadn't eaten banana pancakes in a looong time, and i'll tell you, i love them. Jin was amazing at this. Unlike me. I can only bake cupcake that's in a cup and you put in the microwave. Doesn't taste that good though. I should take baking classes if i want to make dessert for my bae.

"This is very good Jin, where did you learn baking?" I asked and took another bite of the half-eaten pancake.

"Well, i'm more into cooking, as you know, but my mom tought me how to bake when i was very young and now it's just a side hobby for me," He responded and looked down. I could tell he missed his mom at times. "How 'bout you? Do you cook or bake?"

"Nononono. I can barely make lasagna. I only know how to make pasta. And baking? I haven't baked in a while, but i don't have any recipes or anything. I'm not good anyways." I answered his question and shook my head while chuckling a bit. He also chuckled and told me that he could teach me if i wanted to. I had accepted his offer, since i really needed the skill to survive, and then he left, thanking me for letting him stay. Jin has been nice company to start the day with.

I went to my kitchen and turned the tv on, taking my phone out of the pocket and looking through Instagram. I saw a lot of pics from my friends, mainly Jungkook. He and Soojin had become very close. I don't actually know if they're dating or not. Jimin had also spammed the whole timeline and I saw none pics from Yoongi. Only pics of him, posted by Hoseok. Cute. I scrolled down and saw a certain post. My eyes had caught it right in time, since i scrolled really fast. It was purple and on it said;

All YouTubers, with over 5m followers, invited to a party, together with other celebrities!

This got me very excited and started looking through the comments.

(Y/N) is gonna be there!!

Yeah i think i'll go.


I'm def going.

Jimin and Jin are going!! HELL YEAH!

Is Namjoon going?

I hope so.


If Hoseok and Yoongi ain't there and don't take pics together i'll die.

I sope they'll go.

Oh my god. Jimin and Jimmy Fallon! does Jimmy get to go?!! i need to knoewww!! And JAMES CORDEN TOO!!

Lmao imagine Gordon Ramsey going and he and jin meet and make a cooking show together. they'd earn billions

That would be rather epic..

Think: (Y/N) and pewdiepie: collab: amazing!

Damn. That's- He's too popular.

Wait- i'll have to speak English there don't i.. i'm good at that, right? Yeah, Yeah i think so..

I stopped reading and decided to head out to the mall and buy a nice dress to wear at the party. I called Soojin on my way there so she could help me.

We arrived at the mall about the same time and went into different clothing shops and tried lots of dresses on.

When we finished i had found the perfect, black, short dress. It was off shoulder and the short sleeves were puffy and see through. I also found a small purse to match the dress.
(picture above)

We went home again and i decided to spend the rest of my day laying on the couch and watching tv. I'll make some food in between.

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