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There were trees all around me. Tall and dark. I was running. Everything was happening so fast. First i was home and then i was suddenly here, in the forest. Something was chasing me. No. Someone. I wasn't sure though.

I had been running for a while. I tripped over a branch and sprained my ankle. The person running after me was getting closer. I tried my hardest to lift myself up, but there was no use. They came closer, and closer, and closer. Every second passing by the person was getting closer to me. I wanted to scream. I did scream, but no words came out. I was useless. They had finally reached my location and grabbed me.

"Wake up," They said. "Wake up!" I blinked and over me stood Taehyung. "Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

I was wide awake now. Taehyung had woken me up. I must've had a nightmare.

"You're okay. It's okay. I'm here,"

He hugged me tightly, making me warm. I'm happy i have Tae. He means everything to me. I smiled at him and his boxy smile flashed back at me.

"What was the nightmare about, if i may ask?"

"One; you don't have to be so polite. Two; from what i remember, it started..." I told him what i had dreamt about and he comforted me.

"Do you want some food? I made eggs and bacon for breakfast." I nodded and he smiled and left.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and walked into the kitchen. I sat at the table and Taehyung gave me a plate with food on.

"You wanna go to an arcade today?" Tae asked breaking the awkward, but comfortable, silence that had been in the room.

"Yes. I'd like that." I smiled brightly at him and reached my hand to his. He held it and we sat like that for a while.

After some time eating and driving around the city, we arrived at the arcade. I had never been to this one, but it looked super fun. I walked inside right behind Taehyung. He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the basketball hoops. He had bought a card to this arcade store, so he only had to scan it and then we could play.

"I'm really good at this," He said and took one of the basketballs. He threw it and it landed right into the hoop. He hurried and took another, but this time he failed.

"I'll try in the other one." I took his card out of his back pocket and scanned it in the other basketball game.

"I bet i'm better than you."

I threw the ball and it went straight in. I took another ball as soon as the ball went into the hoop and this one went in too. I had a few fails but at least i scores higher than Taehyung.

""I bet i'm better than you" Who's the better one now." I laughed and playfully punched him in the arm. He laughed with me and took my arm again.

"Let's go and checkout the racing games!" He smiled his adorable boxy smile and ran over to the racing cars likes child.

I didn't have much experience with this game, but it was fun. Taehyung won the game this time, beating me by a few seconds. We went to the dancing game afterwards. I won that one. I love dancing and it isn't really that hard. You just step on the tiles when the screen shows you to step on them. Taehyung was reaaally good though, like he had always danced. He was so smooth.

We played almost every game in the arcade, til it got dark.

We decided to go eat at my favorite place. We ordered our food and sat at a table for two, waiting for our food. It arrived after a few minutes. We ate and talked a lot. We laughed and made tons of jokes. Also talked about terrible shower thoughts. Taehyung had asked 'How horny do you think the first man to milk a cow was?' It's a weird question to ask when eating, but it was fun after all.

After everything he drove me home, kissed me goodbye and left. I went inside the house and headed straight to the living room. I jumped on the couch, turned on the tv, and watched for a while. After some time i got a text from Tae. He asked if i was alright and if i wanted him to come over. I said i was okay and he didn't need to.

Then i suddenly got a text from Han Jisung, who i hadn't talked to for a while.

Text message

Hey! How are you?

hi, i'm great! hbu?

I'm great too
I just wanted to say hi
We haven't talked in a while

yeah, i've been busy
you probably have too
you're an idol

Yeah, i've been very busy
We're making a new album

Can't wait to hear it

I'll tell you the realest date
as soon as i figure it out


What are you doing anyways?

nothing much
just came home

Oh yeah?
Where have you been?

i was at the arcade with Tae

You're together
Congrats btw


I better go now

goodnight :)
(seen 11:59)

I turned the tv off and headed to my bedroom. i changed into my pajamas and jumped in my bed. I cuddled with the extra pillow i had, wishing it was Tae. I fell asleep instantly, which was very nice, considering i usually took forever to fall asleep. I slept like a baby the whole time.


sorry for the late update. i was in no mood to do anything and i am a bit sick atm. nothing serious though. but they've decided to not close the place i work at so i'll have to work on Tuesday, Sunday and some other day. yeehaw. i had no idea what to write, so sorry for the bad chapter. also thank you for 15k reads. love you!

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