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Monday morning was the worst for you. You had to work 9 hours straight. You had to wake up early, since work started at 7AM today.
You woke up at 5:30AM and decided to take a shower. You took your speaker and some clothing to wear after.

After 20 minutes and a lot of singing, you were finally done showering. You looked at your phone seeing that you had got a message from Taehyung.

New message from Taebear🐻

Hii! You awake?

Yeah I'm up. Why are up so early?

Idk. Woke up and couldn't fall asleep again. Why are you? Work, right?


Yeah :(

When are you free?

At 4pm, why?

I'll come over then

Alright. I'll see you then :)

Don't eat anything when you get back! I'll take you out ;)

Fine I won't. Thanks!!
I gotta go. byee!



A smile spread across your face when you saw the hearts. Maybe he liked you, maybe he did not. What you knew for sure was that, he was definitely taking you out for dinner after work. You jumped up from you current position and ran over to the kitchen.
Around 6:45AM you left for work. There were a lot of costumers today, most of them being nice, but some were really grumpy today and weren't very nice to you. Soojin had been there too. She had bought some snacks, which seemed weird cause she never bought snacks. But that wasn't your biggest concern today. You couldn't wait for your shift to be over.

As soon as you went home, you change some fancier clothes. You didn't want to wear your work clothes to dinner with Taehyung.

A ring was heard from the door just as you had finished changing and doing your makeup. You ran over and opened it, only to be greeted by Taehyung. He gave you a hug and smiled warmly at you. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks. You too. I mean- you look handsome." He chuckled at you clumsiness and offered his hand, which you of course took.

You talked about a lot while Taehyung drove the two of you over to the restaurant you were eating at. "Can't wait til we're done eating, we're gonna have so much fun." he smiled and looked at you for a quick second. For a brief moment you could feel a spark. The butterflies in your stomach flew up and down, side to side, every possible way there was. You noticed that a blush had creeped its way to your cheeks.

"I'm excited. But uh, when exactly are we there? I'm starting to get hungrier," just as you said so, your stomach started growling. Taehyung chuckled and said you'd arrive soon.

You had arrived at your destination and it looked so expensive. I mean, everything was expensive when it came to Taehyung, who was wearing mostly Gucci at the moment. He held your hand on your way in and asked the waiter for their table. You two ordered your food.

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