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You woke up alone in your bedroom, thinking you'd gone to bed alone last night. But then you remember Taehyung coming over. You looked at the clock, 10am. You smiled to yourself and jumped out of your bed. You thought he'd just gone home, so you opened the door to the bathroom and took a quick shower. You noticed someone had been in there before you, but you ignored it. You dried your hair a bit and but a towel around your body. You walked to the kitchen and you saw Taehyung standing there, looking fine as hell in his boxers and wet hair. He had taken a shower before you. Your jaw dropped and he turned around and saw you standing there in your towel and kinda wet hair. You two stood there, staring at each other, not know what to do.

"So.. you want egg and bacon?" Taehyung said after a while, slightly embarrassed at their current situation.

"Yeah. I'll just go and change into some clothes first," You walked into your room, took out some comfortable and casual clothes.

When you walked back in, Taehyung had put on a shirt, but he was still in his boxers. He sat at the table, putting some bacon on his plate. You sat down, opposite of him, and you peacefully ate your food.

"So.. when are we announce it to the others?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"What about.. today? When everyone is about to leave? And we'll just tell Yoongi after?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back and we went back to eating our food in silence.

"It's good," you said, gesturing to the bacon and eggs on the table. "How often do you make this?"

"Almost everyday. If i'm too lazy to make food, i'll order something. But if i'm not and i'm fresh, i make my own breakfast. Have been since i moved,"

"Huh, okay. It's really good. I might just have to order from you every once in a while." You both laughed. Your phone suddenly started ringing. Glancing over, you saw 'Soojin' on the top of the phone. "Shit, uhm, be quiet." He nodded and went back to eating, trying not to chew too loud.

"Hey Soojin, what's up?" You asked nervously, knowing already what she wanted.

"I'm coming over in a bit. Should i bring something?"

"No. I've already eaten,"

"Oh. Really? You usually don't eat in the mornings?" She was getting suspicious so..

"Yeah, well i was really fresh this morning and something just said, "make breakfast"" You lied. You knew she was good at figuring out things but this time you were sure she wouldn't figure anything out.

"Alright... well, get ready cause the others are gonna come too."

"How long until you're here?"

"Around 30 minutes, why?" Taehyung had heard it, so he hurried to your room, not noticing that he knocked a book down from your side table. "What was that?" You panicked. You didn't know what to say.

"Uh.. well.. th-that was- just me? I'm not wearing any clothes so i just hit the book.. yeah." You cursed at yourself for stuttering. You knew that she knew you were lying. You never stuttered.

"Y/n.. what's going on?"

"Nothing! I have to go change! BYE!"

"By-" You hang up as fast as you could and ran into your room, where Taehyung was. You entered slowly, making sure he was in his clothes when you came in.

"They'll be here soon. What do we do?" You asked. You both thought of something.

"What if i leave now and then you text me when they come, and then i'll come?" He said and you thought it was a good idea, until you noticed a message on your phone. Soojin has written to you 'Everyone's here except Tae? We can't seem to contact him. You know where he is?'.

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