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It was finally Wednesday. I was in bed when Soojin ran into my room. Apparently she just walked in herself, without knocking.

"Your still in bed?" She said with a shocked expression. She pulled my blanket of and picked some clothes for me. "Wear this," she handed me my clothes and left the room to make some breakfast for me.

I changed and brushed my hair and put a little bit of makeup on and ran downstairs. Soojin has made pancakes and it smelled delicious. Amazing.

"Smells nice," I said and sat down.

"Thanks," she placed the dishes and everything else on the table. "I hope it tasted just as good," I nodded and took a bite of the pancake, and the taste hit me like a flock of butterflies. It was delicious.

"This is so good Soojin! You didn't tell me you could cook!"

"I am surprised too,"

~~Time Skip~~

Soojin and I sat on the sofa and watched a drama called "Well Intended Love". It was one of my favorites, and her's too.

As we sat and watched a knock was suddenly heard. I ran and opened the door to meet Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey Y/n" Tae said and hugged me. I hugged him back for a while until Jungkook coughed to get our attention.

"Hey, nice to meet you," Jungkook smiled with his teeth, which was just so adorable.

"Nice to meet you too," I shook his hand and turned to Jimin who stood there quietly. "Hi, nice to meet you too Jimin," he was a bit shocked that I suddenly talked to him but gave me smile right away and greeted me back.

"What is taking so long!" Soojin came stomping in the hall where we all were. "Oh, hi!" She waved and smiled at them. They all smiled back and went in to the living room.

We all settled down on the sofa and began talking about what we should do. We decided on going bowling.

~~Time skip~~

"Take that losers!" I pointed at them and laughed. They all looked a little annoyed but began laughing right after.

"We get it! You won. No big deal," Jungkook said and drank the coke he had bought earlier.

"Should we go home to your place?" Soojin asked me. The others started nodding their head in agreement.

"Sure, why not,"

We walked over to Jimin's car and sat in the same place as before. Jimin in the drivers seat. Taehyung in the passengers. Me, Jungkook and Soojin in the back.

On our way home we stopped at Starbucks and bought coffee for each of us. Me, Taehyung and Jungkook got Caramel Macchiato, Jimin and Soojin got an Expresso.

The ride was pretty quiet, but we did talk in between.

"We're here," Jimin said and unbuckled his seatbelt. We went inside and they all sat on the couch and turned on the tv.

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked and started making some noodles.

"No, not really," Jimin said and shrugged.

"Same," Soojin shrugged to and turned back to watch the tv.

"I'd like some,"

"Me too," Taehyung and Jungkook came into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

I put the noodles on the table and sat down too. "I hope this tastes good," I smiled at them and took the chopsticks. We started putting a bit in our bowls and then started eating.

"This is really good!" Tae said and smiled at me with the noodles in his mouth. I chuckled at his expression and continued to eat.

"You should invite us over more often," Jungkook stated and looked at me with his adorable puppy eyes. The ones couldn't resist.

"Yeah you should!" Taehyung begged. He also began making puppy eyes and, oh my god, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Sure, when I have time," I smiled at them and they high-fived. We started talking about all random stuff and ate our food.

After we had eaten Taehyung pulled me to a corner where no one could hear us.
"Hey, so when should we do that collab?" He asked quietly.

"What about Friday, we film the videos then and post them on Saturday?"

"Sounds good."

~~time skip again~~

It was now time for them to leave, all except Soojin. She wanted to have a sleepover tonight. When they left we ran to my room and changed into something more comfortable. We turned on "Well Intended Love" and started watching while laying under many blankets and pillows.

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