Semi Finals - Nox - Coral Blackstone

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The last interview I had before the glory days ended had been an absolute disaster. I'd had to cut it off early. I had been unable to stand the pressure of what was being asked of me, so I decided that I'd rid myself of it. Unfortunately, I don't have that option now. Even if I'm standing here in pajama shorts and a zombie covered tee-shirt that Melanie gave me for my birthday. 

I wish Nicholas was here to lighten the mood a little. I wish he was here to sit on the tired-looking couch and crack a few horrible jokes and play a few games of Mario Kart with me. But instead, he is gone and I'm preparing for my first interview in over a year. I will admit that I cried a little when I said goodbye to my new friend. Having somebody here that I didn't completely hate was one of the only things that kept me going. 

Now my own determination to win might have to be enough. 

"So Coral, let's get right into this. I'm sure everyone at home is wondering this but, what were you expecting when you signed yourself up for this?" Nox Lingualaca isn't the worst person to have as an interviewer, if that can be counted as a positive in this situation. There's something about her small smile and bright eyes that make you feel like she's actually interested in what you're saying. 

I pick at the hem of my shirt, tearing off a zombie's grisly foot instead of answering the question. If I knew the answer, I might have something to say right now. But I'm running on two hours of sleep and I haven't had coffee in three days and I don't really know what I was thinking when I signed up. It wasn't exactly one of my brightest decisions but I don't actually know what prompted it. 

"I guess I was just thinking that it would be a chance to do something different. I'm not really a fan of reality TV but it wasn't something I wanted to pass up. For somebody with an IQ as high as mine, I tend to make some questionable choices." I just shrug a little, avoiding Nox's curious gaze and any of the cameras that are watching us. I used to be good at interviews, I was definitely better than Melanie. She would just glare at the camera with a confused expression, trying to decide whether she hated the audience or not.

"I see, that's interesting. So have those expectations been confirmed or denied?" She sounds kind of sympathetic, though there's nothing that I need her sympathy for. Her hair bounces a little as she nods expectantly and I manage to look up at her. I can be normal, I can do another interview. I can do this again.

"Um... God... I don't know, really. I think they have a little but considering how low my expectations were and what they were, they might've. Maybe? I don't know, actually. I'm sorry that my answers are so... unintelligent, I just don't know how to answer that." My tongue feel like it's made of sandpaper and I laugh a little at how stupid I sound. I have a real talent for making a fool of myself in front of cameras, something I never realized until the start of my On Air adventure. 

"That's okay, not all of us are good with words. Although, I did have higher expectations from you considering your interesting confession. So what do you think you'll achieve by winning?" She moves along briskly, not leaving time for me to be awkward and unsure in front of the cameras. I'm not sure if she's helping me out or if she's just anxious to move on to Tiffany but I'm extremely grateful that she keeps going. I'm not as good at this as I thought I would be...

"World peace? Stop global warming? End hunger in third world countries? Or do you mean more personal aspirations for if I win? If that's it... I'd like to finish school, I guess. Or maybe get back into music. There are lot of things I'd like to do if I win, or even if I don't win. But I'm not quite sure what I'd do about the whole 'winning' thing, considering I'm not sure I'll get that far." I'm so awkward right now that Melanie would sound profound when compared to me. I have to let out a nervous laugh to keep myself from babbling about my plans for the future, win or no win. So many of them include Melanie Mane but it feels wrong to share them with anyone but her.

"One last question, as I have to get back to other people. Coral, do you regret coming here? Thought provoking, I know. I didn't come up with it, if that makes it better." Nox looks like she's ready to be done with me, looking around and beckoning over to Tiffany and glancing at me like she has already moved on from what I have to say to her.

"Of course not. I got to make new friends. And I finally accepted myself. And I made amends with Melanie Mane. It's not much but it was something and as cliche as it sounds, I wouldn't take it back." I stand up from the couch, tugging down my shirt and smiling at Nox as she waves me away and leaves me to contemplate what I've just said. It was a pathetic interview, short and trite and extremely awkward.

But hey, that's really all I am.

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