Male - Oliver Paxton - WritingFandoms

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Name: Oliver Paxton

Age: Forty-Six

Gender: Male

Apperance: Oliver is a tall, brooding man, standing at 6'2, with a muscular frame. He has sharp, and precise facial features, and stern hazel eyes. One would find him handsome, if not for the stern look he always wore.  A long, menacing scar winds down the right side of his face, randing him blind in his right eye. His hair, now grey with age, as been cropped short, military style. Oliver wears a never ending glare, in attempt to hold up his reputation as an intimidating brute. Though his wife has ability to wipe that expression off his face quite easily.

Personality: Despite his intimadting demeanor, Oliver is quite the family man. Father of four children, he has grown to be very protective over those he cares about, He is very selective in friendship, not wanting to be associated with anyone he finds annoying. One will find that he is sarcastic in conversation, and could be considered likable, or at least tolerable. Oliver has tendiences to be quite insulting to others, and may come across as rude. He is very much into fitness, and training, and has tendencies to be rather opinionated with people, and at times; blunt. However, contary to certain beliefs, he is a very devoted husband, and a lovely father.

Current Occupation: Failing Actor and father.

History: Oliver led a rather normal childhood, being raised by a military official, and an actress. He served in the Airforce for roughly 8 years, where he met his wife. As a kid, he recieved acting lessons of diffrent sorts, and was placed in numerous comercials. These were eventually dropped, after he inlisted in the military. After the birth of his oldest son, and first child, he was cast to play the antagonist in a movie. He continued playing random parts in shows, till he dropped. He lost almost everything, faster a failed movie, and resorted to playing small parts, and raising his children. His daughters were soon born, and many are unwilling to hire him.

Why are they On Air? Oliver wants to successful once more. 

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