Male - Jasper Elie - TheFactionless

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Name: Jasper Elie

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has short hair that sticks up in black spikes. His hair is wavy, although most of the time you can't tell with the way his hair gets styled. Jaspers eyes are often what captures a girls attention. They're bright green, and look especially green when he stands in the sun. Jasper is tall at 6'2 with a soft tan. He has stubble on his chiseled jaw bone, but he always keeps it shaved enough. His body is muscular, also.

Personality: Jasper is a tad full of himself, but why wouldn't he? He is a male model. He loves the gym so he can keep his good body. Joe is a humorous guy and loves to pull pranks on people in which are usually those he doesn't like, or those he is closest with. Now Jasper may seem like a bit of normal ️Celebrity who lives it all up and acts like a good person, but when he was younger he used to suffer depression. Because of this experience in life he helps out a lot of those kids in his spare time. It's not often you see his emotional side though. He likes to keep it in the past. So apart from that, Joe is an outgoing guy who is still enjoying the single life despite being 32. He does have a little girl though. He enjoys the company of others and doesn't like to be alone. He is often found flaunting his looks, but not in a way to make others think of him as full of himself, just confident.

Current Occupation: Male model

Background: Jasper was never rich when he was younger. His family were poor. His mum was into alcohol, while his dad died when he was young. He was an only child and while his mum has since gone to rehab, he doesn't talk to her anymore. Jasper hates to think on what his life used to be, and as cruel as this sounds, he's ashamed. Nobody knows of this.

Why are they On Air?: Jasper is on air to entertain and show that you can go from the bottom to the top.

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