Chapter 25

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Narrator's POV

"So......what does Lucy have to do? Is she now like her spirits?" Erza had enough. She was incredibly pissed, more so at herself. Loke nodded but added in details.

"She is in a way like us, however more powerful. Her family had been with us for generations, and for generations, they have replaced one of the powerful deities. It was decided that she, will be renamed Lucielle of the Sky and Earth, or more modern name, a Guardian." Natsu flinched. He looked up and started sniffing the air.

"Lucy....!" He got up and started sniffing around but in the process got confused. 'Her scent is.... all over the place!' Natsu gave a confused look to Loke and he shrugged calmly. "Why is Luce's scent everywhere?"

"I guess since you're sense are sensitive, you will smell her first. You and also the other dragon slayers. Since she now is a candidate for the position of deity, her scent would be spread all over the place. Ordinary people would just think its a change in seasons or something, however mages would know better..." Loke gave a concerned look to his nakama's direction, mainly on Natsu. Loke took a deep breath then flinched. "We... don't have time to continue chatting. I have to go back..."

"Why? I thought you are able to stay with your own power for a while, Loke!" Levy didn't want their connection to break, and like the others, she wanted to know more about what is happening to Lucy. Loke sighed and sadly shook his head.

"During this time, every spirit's presence is crucial for the electing. It.... doesn't matter if I have a good excuse for not showing up, because either way I will be punished. Especially I, leader of the Spirits, have to go since I have my power. They will need me in battle." That got Natsu's attention the most. At this point, Natsu was about to snap if he doesn't see his precious Lucy. To know that they are about battle something that Lucy will be in but not him, Natsu grew irritated.

"What battle? With whom?? Tell me Loke!" He was up and personal with Loke, and was going to explode any second.

".......It would be best to tell you, at least. You are all nakama after all. To sum it up, we are battling the gates of Hell. We saw through Lucy's battle in the Magic Games who she was fighting with, and launched an investigation right away. The gates were leaking miasma and it seems someone was trying too hard to open it. But apperantly, they didn't have the right tools yet, but still were able to open a crack. From then on, the gates were opening slowly over time, and right now they are about to completely unlock its door." Loke was already diappearing, little particles in his body floating into nothing. What he didn't expect was for Yukino to put on a spell on Loke and Natsu both, to be able to go back together. She wasn't sure why she did it, but she knew it was necessary.

"Gambatte, you two. Bring Lucy back safely for us....." Yukino collapsed immediately after that. She was caught by String before she hit the floor, and was crowded around.

Natsu's POV

"Gambatte, you two. Bring Lucy back safely for us...." Was the last thing I heard before I was transported somewhere else. When I looked around, I recognized it. The Celestial World!

"Loke.... What?" I was still holding on to Loke so I let go. We stood up and brushed the dirt or whatever it was off. Loke turned to me and looked serious.

"Yukino-san has made another dangerous spell cast and got you here to see Lucy. This is bad...." Loke looked around cautiously, then walked away made me follow. "You have to quickly get out, or else your body won't be able to take long to disappear with the pressure. Here," he gave me some clothes and again made me put them on. " don't take those off while here. You remember everything about this world don't you Natsu?" I was awfully calm, probably because I knew I would meet Lucy here. I nodded, being honest.

"Where is Lucy? I have to take her back NOW!" I said, almost yelling. When it came about Lucy, I lost my cool. It wasn't the first time either. I needed to be with her. I now knew why.

"Lucielle, you mean. Her old life is now gone, and she has changed her name and everything about herself by now, if I guess right. But you are right. Lucielle has to go back and be her real self. As Heartfilia Lucy...." Loke led me to this corridor and put a cloak on me for safe measure. Since her spirits knew me, it would be better to lay low he said. She had more control than Loke had, as being the next in line to be a deity. Not as much as the old gramps she allied and knew as the Great King, though. I hope this is okay....

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