Chapter 4

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Dedicating this to XxButterPugsxX since you commented last chapter ^3^ and also KylaSencil for the same thing then some~ Welp time for le feels *fist pump to air* O3O SO PUMPED

Lucy's POV

"There, over there by that corner is the store! Let's head over!" I was nervous, not only because of the clothes. I've been spotting Fairy Tail mages everywhere, almost like in a panic. I bumped into one earlier, and I found it was Lissanna. If it wasn't for my disguise and Saphira's help, I would've been in a lot of trouble. Natsu has been doing his rounds around too, and at least I brought a perfume that repels my scent for a couple hours. I followed Saphira to the store, and let me tell was depressing. It was all about dark colours, not pink or yellow or anythjng bright. I picked up a shirt that was black and dark blue, which was the only one left and conveniently my size. After an hour or two, I got all the clothes I needed and now was for the supplies. We went like that from store to store, getting more food and more keys for me. Of course, I got other stuff for the elves and fairies and dragons back on the island, to show my appreciation for the help they've been giving me. Saphira got some extra too, not sure how though. All I know it that some fairies and dragons work together in human form to earn a bunch of money and gave a whole lot for us to buy and bring back.

"Ne, Saphira, can we go now? I have a........not good feeling staying here. Not like old times....." I felt.....strange being back after such a long time. It felt like I was a criminal going around in a free land I'm not supposed to be in. Saphira nodded, and we began our journey back. However, I did not expect what happened next....

"Guys!!! I sense Lucy!!!!" Natsu and Wendy shouted from somewhere behind us, and turning around I saw that they were RIGHT BEHIND US. Saphira and I exchanged looks, and kept walking like nothing. After a few minutes, I felt a very hot hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Natsu.

"Uh, hi! Have you seen this girl around? We are kinda looking for her." Gray was behind Natsu and he was the one that spoke. Erza held up a picture of me at my birthday party from a year ago and pointed me out since I was in a group picture. Natsu got annoyed and snapped at Gray.

"Hey, Popsicle!! Let me talk!!

"As if, Flamebrain!! You screw us up everytime!!"

"Hey, Stripper boy, it wasn't on purpose!!" They began growling at each other and kept talking until Erza smashed their heads together and they landed on the floor. Wendy gave a slight giggle and so did the exceeds. Erza looked up to talk but found us gone.

"That was......close. Thank you, Saphira! You saved us with that Sneak magic!" Saphira smiled, probably overjoyed that I complemented her. She bowed and said her thank you's while I just tried to toggle all the things in my hand. I put them down to begin reciting the Portal spell with the help of the ring, and the same portal appeared just a few feet from us. Thankfully we were at the woods, some place hidden from people. I got the bags and boxes and proceeded forward back to the island.

At The Island of Myth (Viewers/Readers help meby commenting a better name of things/places QnQ)

"Welcome back, Princess!! Wow you carried a bunch of things!! Let us help Princess!" Fae and her guy fairy friends all got something and were walking back with us back to the castle. I dumped some supplies in the hall, taking what was mine and helping oder things up even though they were against it. Hey I want to earn my keep too!! "Princess! You don't have to--"

"Aw Fae! Let me earn my keep, please? I don't exactly like being treated like a real princess or child when I can do something to help. Besides, I have things here that I need to have......." After that, they didn't say anything and let me go ahead and get my gifts and other things. 'Wow......I DID get a lot of stuf.....' I thought as I was stacking up a pile of gifts and my things to my side. I decided I will just go ahead and call someone to help, but then I realized that I was doing what got me into a weak state. Calling for I will do this by myself!!

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