Chapter 2 [Edited]

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Master Makarov's POV

"Goodbye my child......." I whispered too late when Lucy left my office. Looking back at the letters, I felt extremely lost. Why would my fairies do anything to Lucy? I opened the letter that was labelled Fairy Tail and read it. Now I understood a bit of the problem, and now I know why she said what she said. In the letter, it was signed as unknown enemy. Lucy, my dear Lucy, wanted to know so badly how much they cared.

"MASTER, NATSU DESTROYED THE WALL AGAIN!!" I heard someone yell, and that was what made me snap. But hearing Lucy's voice in my memory made me calm down and do what she had asked.

Time Skip to 48 hours later

"Fairy Tail Mages!!!! I have an announcement!! Please gather around!" I asked Mirajane to contact those out on missions a while ago to come back, and they were all just arriving. Erza came up to the podium with me, clueless as to Lucy's disappearance as everyone else. I held up the letter Lucy has given me to read, and I started speaking.

"I have received a letter from someone unknown! I will now read it out-loud for you all to listen!!" Everyone was quiet, waiting for me to begin. I cleared my throat and began to read:

Dear Fairy Tail members:

If you are currently listening to this letter, I must say I am glad I made this decision. In a few short years, I will become your greatest rival and enemy. Unknowingly, you have greatly hurt someone dear to me, and I will come back for vengeance for their tears. I hope no one will dare back out of this challenge. Farewell, Fairy Tail, for soon you will meet your unending doom!

-Your Enemy,


"HA! NO ONE WOULD DARE FACE US! IT'S PROBABLY A COWARD!! HE GAVE US TOO MUCH TIME!" Natsu was grinning and shouting, along with everyone agreeing with him. I closed my eyes and remained calm. Erza made them hush for me, and I thanked her.

"If it was so, then why have I received the letter? This is no act of cowardice, it is a bold decision. Fairies, we will wait for this unknown enemy to appear! We will show him what we are made of!!" I tried to act as normal as possible, giving it off as a true challenge. Hopefully, Lucy won't get hurt.......

"AYE!!!!!" The entire guild exploded with cheers and huffs, gloating and the passion of battle reviving. I looked after them, feeling once again helpless. I folded my arms behind me and I walked quietly back to my office.

Lucy's POV

It has been 2 days since I had left Fairy tail, and by now I knew what I must search for. After I had left Magnolia and arrived at my training place, I have met someone else who said they would help me. She was a dragon named Saphira, and she informed me of my limiters that were placed on my body when I was born by my mother. Saphira was an elemental master, and was trying to gain more power by mastering as much magic as possible. She told me she had a mission, though, which was actually a sacred promise between her and my mother. Currently, she had transformed into her dragon form to transport us into somewhere I don't know.

"Saph!! Where are we going???" I was riding on her back, going somewhere farther away from Magnolia and my original planned training grounds. When she didn't answer, I slumped back and gave up. Getting more answers from her was hard, and she was very stubborn. She hasn't told me any more about my mother or the promise. She just told me that she would show me. After that, nothing.

'I wonder how long I will ride her back in this awkward silence.....' I thought as we flew over the beautiful ocean. From above, everything looked amazing and scary. I could see all kinds of monsters and animals down below, but we were up high enough to be safe. Finally after a couple of hours of flying, we landed on another island.

"Here we are.....Princess." Oh did I forget to mention she keeps calling princess? Ever since I said my last name, she has been calling me Princess or Hime-sama. "I'm finally back, as are you. Lucy-himesama, you are back to your old home!"

"My old home? What?" I looked around, taking in the different terrains and elements. I could hear other dragons somewhere, and after much thinking, I could faintly remember being here before.

"Yes, Hime-sama. One time, Princess Layla brought you here when you were very young. Probably about 3 to 5 years of age. She presented you to the rest of us dragons, and asked of us to keep watch over you. Her own sister, Queen Mami, ruled over the Dragon Nest for her, since originally it was the oldest who ruled. However, just a few years ago, Queen Mami had vanished. Since her sister, Princess Layla, was not alive to take her place as ruler, I was put to charge to find her daughter. That is you, my Princess." Now I truly remembered.


"Mama? Where are we?" My small hands were on my Mama's big yet delicate ones, as she led me to somewhere that looked deserted. I heard a sudden ROAR and a HUGE blue dragon came down. I panicked and ran behind mamma, but she stood still.

"It is alright, my dear Lucy. She is a friend, as the other dragons." Mamma assured me, and smiled sweetly back at the dragon. I heard more roars and more dragons came down, each in their own pretty color. Then there was one dragon that stood out. Its scales were multi coloured, and it was closing in on us. Mamma let go of my hand and opened her arms as if in a hug. The multi coloured dragon then turned into another Mamma, and she smiled then gave my mamma a hug.

"It has been too long, my dear little sister! Come on, Lucy, meet your Aunty Mami!" Mommy and the lady departed. They both looked down to me.

"Is this your daughter? She is so very cute! Lucy is a name fit for her! Hello, my name is Mami! Please come here and give me a hug!" Hesitantly, I got closer. Looking back at Mamma, I stopped for a second. She gave me a reassuring nod and smiled. Looking back at Mami-san, I hugged her awkwardly. "It's alright child, you don't have to be shy! I am your mother's sister, Mami. It is a pleasure to meet you, dear Lucy."

"T-thank you. Same to you, Aunt Mami....."

End of Flashback

"From your face, I can see you have remembered. Please follow me, Princess Lucy." Still shocked as I was, I followed her. Looking around, I saw different biomes and different animals as well. Off in the distance, I could see a small castle. Saphira stopped and turned around then whistled. All of a sudden, I felt big earthquakes and heard loud roars coming our way. Again, I thought back to when I was small. It was almost the same exact scene.....

"Uhm, Saphira? Why have you brought me here? I thought you would help me train!" I could now see dragons again surrounding us, all circling us either in the ground or in the air.

"I did, and I will. We will begin you training first by removing your limiters and seals from your body, since they would affect greatly on your performance. And for that, I would need for the casters themselves to remove them, since it would put you in terrible danger if it was done incorrectly." Shaking with a bit of fear, I nodded. I put my trust in her, so I would of course follow. The dragon that first closed in was red in color, and he spoke.

"I am called Igneel, our Princess. I believe I would be the first to remove a seal and a limiter. You would feel a bit weird, but please bear with us." He then changed into a handsome man, probably in his 20s or 30s. He was the dragon Natsu was looking for!!! 'Natsu, I finally helped you in another way.......I found your dragon!!' Soon, Igneel started enchanting words, and the unsealing ceremony began.....

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