Chapter 19

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Lucy's POV

When I woke up I got dressed and went out the the living bing room to see that Natsu was still sound asleep and saw Happy lying at his feet.

I smiled to myself and headed to the kitchen. I started to make pancakes and sausage, and as soon as I finished and was putting the food on plates Natsu and Happy came walking bf into the kitchen.

"Perfect timing! I just finished making breakfast." I told them as I poured syrup on one of the plates and slid it over to Natsu.

"Thanks, Lucy." Natsu said as he started eating the food.

"Lucy.." Happy sang. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I got him a fish from the fridge.

I sat down with my plate and started eating my food. A few minutes later I noticed that Natsu was staring at me.

"What is it Natsu?" I asked.

"You have some syrup on your face." He informed me.

"Where?" I asked as I tried to wipe it off.

"Right here." He said as he leaned over and wiped it off my face with his finger, then licked it off his finger.

I blushed as he went back to eating his breakfast. Now I was the one staring at him.

"What? Do I have something on my face now?" He asked when he noticed me staring at him. He started to wipe all around his mouth trying to get the nonexistent food off his faces and I laughed.

"No, no. Sorry." I smiled and I picked us my plate and walked over to the sink. I started washing the plate and then put it on a towel when I was done.

I turned around and jumped because Natsu was standing right behind me with his plate in his hand. He grinned and handed me his plate. I rolled my eyes and started washing it.

"So, are you going to the guild today?" Natsu asked as he sat back down.

"No, I think I'm gonna spend the day at home. After everything that happened I don't feel like going out." I told him as I set the plate on the towel to dry.

"Then I'll stay with you." He smiled. "Yesterday I said I'm going to protect you and I can't do that when I'm at the guild, can I?"

"Natsu, you don't need to 'protect' me forever you know." I laughed slightly.

"I know, just until everything settles down and I'm sure no one's gonna come for you. So until then I'm staying here." He stated.

"You would do that for me?" I asked.

"Of course, I would do anything for you." He grinned.

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by a knock in the door. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Wendy and Carla.

"Hey guys, what are you done my here?" I asked.

"Checking to see if you were ok. You weren't at the guild when I got there this morning so I decided to some by." Wendy explained.

"Carla!" Happy cheered when he saw her.

"What do you want now, tom cat?" Carla asked as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. I ignored them and turned my attention back to Wendy.

"Um, Lucy? There's actually someone else here that would like to see you." Wendy said, a bit nervous.

"Who?" I asked.

Just then Akari stepped in.

"Hi." She said with a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu asked as he stood up and came up next to me.

"I'm not here to cause any problems, I came to apologize." She clarified. Natsu and I have each other a confused glance, but motioned for her to continue.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything that I did, it wasn't right and I should have realized sooner that my master was using us and-"

"I forgive you." I cut her off.

"What?" She asked

"I said I forgive you. We all make mistakes, and I'm willing to put that all in the past." I smiled.

"Thank you." She smiled back.

I glanced down at her stomach and noticed that her guild mark was gone.

"Akari, where's your guild mark?" I asked.

"I got rid of it, I'm definitely not going to stay in that guild after all that's happened." She told me.

"What guild are you going to join now?" I asked.

"I don't know yet.." She trailed off.

"Join Fairy Tail." Natsu offered.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"What? Are you sure you want me in your guild? I tried to kill you." She rambled.

"But you also help us win, and that's good enough for me." I smiled.

"Okay. I'll join Fairy Tail."

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