Chapter Twenty: Midoriya remember.

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"Izuku-Kun..." Toga said as she and the other villains came to Midoriya's side, hoping that he is alright. 

"I'm alright." Midoriya reassured to Toga as he was helped to his feet. Midoriya looked over to where Yurei was crouched to the ground surrounded by his black Quirk. 

"What wrong?" He asked with the Villains behind him. 

"I despite heroes." Yurei hissed before his eye widened in shock as flashed appeared behind his eyes; two scary villains killed his family, his two younger brothers, one older sister and one baby sister with a knife, seeing his mother get her throat slit and finally the heroes arrived late and looking at the dead bodies. 

"Heroes..!!" Yurei screamed out and before anybody notices it, the room was shaking violently by a huge explosion. 

"What?" Dabi shouted as the wall exploded with a shower of glass and rubble; Yurei looked over his shoulder in shock, Kurogiri, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Twice, Mr. Compress, Magne, and Muscular have a stunning face, and Shigaraki narrowed his eyes and clench his fists.  

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock when he caught sight of those three heroes he saw in the forest, behind them are other heroes and a purple-headed hero with bags under his eyes, stood next to them. 

"Deku, we've come to save you." Bakugo stated simply with his face has determined in it. 

"Midoriya!" The heroes said behind them. 

"Midoriya, thank god. You're not hurt." Todoroki said as he is glad that the League of Villains didn't hurt him, but is irritated that he is wearing a villain's clothes and not his hero's clothes. Midoriya gasped in memories tore through his mind as his eyes locked with Todoroki's turquoise left eye and the other brownish dark grey on his right eyes. 

Meeting that guy that has a cold and aloof personality, meeting him again at the Sports Festival, fighting him at the Sports Festival, becoming friends, and going on a mission together. 

"Shoto Todoroki..." Midoriya whispered in shock and Todoroki smirked slightly but stayed silent. 

Midoriya's breathing suddenly picked up and his body trembled in pain as he brought his hand up to his forehead; his eyes clenched shut in pain. 

"No!!! Go away, you damn heroes!!! Midoriya doesn't know any of you!!! He doesn't want to remember you!!!" Shigaraki suddenly shouted out as he ran in front of Midoriya, he spread his arms out and glared at them, there was deep hatred in his eyes. Shinso scoffed as he glanced at Shigarak right back. 

"You're wrong, Izuku Midroiya is a close friend of ours." Aoyama said and the others nodded their heads in agreement. But Shigaraki shook his head violently. 

"No, you're wrong!!! Midoriya and I have been friends since childhood!!! You damn fucking heroes made him forget about me and our friendship!!! Midoriya is happy to be a villain!!! He is happy to be with us!!! Me!!!" Shigaraki screamed but Bakugo ignored him as he looked over at Midroyia. 

"Like we need to believe that you and Midoriya are childhoods friends." Said Shinso with anger in his voice and the heroes nodded their heads. 

"He just needs to remember. Deku, think back!! You never give up on being a hero!! Even when you were Quirkless, bully and teased by everybody. You never give up on your dream!!" Bakugo shouted out and Midoriya looked at him with his green eyes full of confusion and pain. 

"When we first met when we were kids. You always admired me and saying I was the coolest person ever and that I will become the coolest hero just like All Might!!! Even though you were Quirkless, and I bullying and tease you, you always follow me and try to stay best friend with me!!! Even though I call you "Deku" And that changed when you got a Quirk from All Might. Since that day, you were able to make your dream true by becoming a hero!! That the kind person you always be!!!" Bakugo shouted out furiously and Midoriya blinked before he clenched his eyes shut; his breathing slightly heavier. 

"Deku!!" Bakugo shouted out once again and Midroiya opened his eyes again as he looked to the floor. 

"I can't remember..." He said before closing his eyes and grabbed his hair between his fingers and clenched it tightly in pain. 

"No!! Don't listen to them or anybody Midoriya!!! They're lying!!!! That bastard hero is lying to you. I need you to be here!!!! With us!!! With me!!!!" Shigaraki cried out as he turned to Midoriya and grips his shoulders; Midoriya looked up at him his eyes showing pain and confusion. 

"Please, don't remember...." He whispered desperately and shook his shoulders slightly before bringing him closer to his arms. 

"Don't go back being a Hero!!" Shigaraki finally cried out causing Midoriya to stiffen in shock; he grabbed his by his wrist and pulled him back so he could look at him.

"Go back being a Hero? So I was a Hero the whole time? So you lie to me?" Midoriya asks in confusion but Shigaraki shook his head in denial and the League of Villains and Yurei are shock that Midoriya finds out but didn't say anything. 

"You hero, with the black mask that goes around your eyes. Tell me your name and speak clearly." Midoriya asked as he stepped around Shigaraki's shaking form. 

"My name is Katsui Bakugo, but you call me 'Kacchan'. " He said with a serious and determined look.

"Bakugo?" He said in confusion before memories flashed before his eyes once again. 

There in the middle school, a boy telling him to go jump off the school roof and die. The other shows him bully him and calling him useless, worthless and that he will never be a hero since he is Quirkless. There he and that boy again fighting to test their Quirk. The other shows him and the boy going on a mission and the last one shows him and that boy where they were little kids and playing together. Both of them are smiling. 

"Kacchna!!" Midoriya gasped, his eyes widened in shock as his memories returned. 

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