Chapter Eighteen: Yurei Zankoku

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"That words mean that "Yurei Zankoku" is the name of the villain from 1856."  

The students turn their heads and saw Aizawa standing in the doorway, along with All Might, Hizashi Yamada, and Midnight. All of them have a serious look on their faces. 

"A Villain from 1856?" Kaminari asks with confusion in his face, so did the other students. 

The heroes walk into the classroom and close the door, so nobody would hear their conversation. It was silence before one of the teacher/hero starts speaking to them. 

"Yurei Zankoku is an infamous villain from 1856 and it has been known that he has killed eight hundred sixteen nine heroes, in the last few years." Said Hizashi with a calm voice but with a serious face. 

"Killed 869 heroes?" Said, Mineta with his face filled with horror and other students has scared expression and you could see the fear in their eyes. 

"Yes, and he is also a mysterious villain with unnamed and uncommon Quirk since he always uses a long red/yellow sword that is taller than him to kill the heroes. The sword is quite powerful as it could slice tall buildings in about 0.5 seconds and the same thing for peoples too. He also can make his sword pass through weapons and the heroes' Quirk as they were thin air." Said Midnight.

The students looked confused and surprised that a villain could make his sword pass through the heroes' weapons and Quirk as they were thin air. 

'Thin air?' Bakugo looked confused for minutes before remembering that when he, Uraraka, and Lida were in the forest and saw Deku with Shagaraki and that villain 'Yurei" and he attacks them. He remembers that when Yurei swung his sword at him, he caught it before it could hit him. He remembers he saw Yurei's sword went pass through his large grenade-like gauntlets to his biceps and that he moved away. 

'He made me believe that his sword went pass through me, but I can't believe he uses the ability on the other heroes before he killed them.' Bakugo thought as he saw Yurei's sword in his memories. 

"Despite he was in 1856, he has died in 1948 from a hero who has completely killed him. He killed heroes due to his deep vengeance that holds for the heroes after they failed to save his family from a villain when he was a young boy." All Might's tone is serious as he looks at the students and noticed that all of them has a horror on their faces. 

"Wait, you said that Yurei died around 1948? But me, Lida, and Uraraka saw Yurei in the forest and half and half bastard and others saw him in the city. How's that possible he is still alive?" Bakugo asked with confused in his eyes. 

All Might stare at him before nodding at Aizawa who began speaking to him and the others. 

"That the other thing about Yurei because he comes back in 1948 and that he is not the same villain anymore from 1856 but a part-demon/spirit villain." 

"What??? A part demon/spirit villain? So that means Yurei is a demon/spirit person we saw?" Hagakure said with her voice full of worried and scariness in it. 

"Yes, since he comes back as a demon/spirit. He continues killing heroes since his deep hatred for heroes hasn't gone away when he was killed. And we also found about his unnamed and uncommon Quirk. His Quirk can allow him to wipe peoples' memories, not just about their lives, family, friends or loved ones. But their dream of becoming a hero and forgotten they were heroes before." 

The student gasped of the thought of a hero or a person with a Quirk losing their memories and end up forgetting about it. But Aizawa hasn't finished talking as he contiunes. 

"And when he used his Quirk to erase people's memories, the demon would be inside the person's body to keep them remembering about their lives and their dream of becoming a hero or when they were once a hero. The demon would also prevent the person from using their Quirk. And if the person doesn't remember anything in the past five days, their memories would be gone forever and their Quirk would disappear and that it would become permanent forever." 

Aizawa has finished talking and there was a look of horror on the students's face, Uraraka put her hands to her mouth as she was gasping, Todoroki felt like he got hit in the face and Bakugo felt like he lost someone close to him. 

"So...are you saying that Yurei has erased Deku's memories...which made him forget about us and everything....and that he is under....a Demon's influence...which is why he had trouble remembering us... and...if we don't get him to remember...his memories...and his Quirk....would be gone....forever...?" In a quiet voice, you could almost hear the shakiness in Bakugo's voice as it felt like he is about to cry that his childhood friend would forget everything about his memories. 

"Yes. That is right, Katsuki. But you guys better hurry because Midoriya is in danger." All Might said. 

Bakugo and everybody blinked in shock before his words sunk in; Deku was in danger. He was in danger because of the Demon's influence. 

"Yes! You're right, All Might!!! Come on, everybody!!! We gotta save Deku from the League of Villains and Yurei and get his memories back before it too late!!!" Bakugo shouted as he quickly leaves the classroom Lida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Aoyama, Ashido, Asui, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda, Sato, Shoji, Jiro, Sero, Tokoyami, Hagakure, Mineta, and Yaoyorozu quickly follow him without objection. 

'Hang on, Deku!!! We are going to save you!!! I promise!!" Bakugo said in his thought as he and the others ran out of the U.A. High School and into the city. 

Their mission is to save Izuku Midoriya before his memories would be gone forever!!!

Since you guys know about Yurei and what his Quirk does. His name "Yurei" means "Ghost or Spirit" since he came back as a demon/ghost person and his surname "Zankoku" means "Cruel" since he is very cruel to the heroes and wants nothing more to see them all dead. Will Bakugo and the others save Izuku and get his memories back? Find out in the next few chapters. 

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