As the world becomes unsteady, hold me tight and don't let go...

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As the world becomes unsteady, hold me tight and don't let go...


Throwing up on a person who could heal or un-heal you on a whim was not a very smart thing to do, I found out.

In fact, it was quite idiotic.

"He did not mean it." The golden haired human tryed to soothe the situation.

I could literally see the dark murderous aura surrounding the half-breed. It was morbidly fascinating watching his calm facade crumble to thousands of small pieces around his feet.

"He is injured." The human began, "He cannot help what body fluid he extracts."

For some reason, hearing him say that in such a dull voice made it hard not to laugh.

Mayhaps blood loss was getting to me.

He might have seen the smile that kept trying to appear on my lips, because before I knew it the half-breed turned around and stormed towards me, his countenance menacing.

I was not expecting him to try to choke me to death because of a simple smile.

This half-breed is insane!

After a long moment of trying to extricate hands wrapped around my throat and avoid getting dirtied by the puke that i spewed all over the half-breed -after all, it was gross. Not to mention, just unsanitary- the ire that the half-breed had came to an abrupt end when the golden-haired bastard finally stepped in.

"Willow, stop making his wound worse."

The half-breed paused with his hands clenched around my neck, glancing back at the human. "Is that an order, My Lord?"

"It is."

The half-breed seemed to contemplate for a while before he let me go.

I grabbed my throat, wheezing. I glared at him, my dignity in tatters. I tried to salvage the situation by saying in a contemptuous voice, "Willow? That is the name to this vicious, awful half-breed?" My voice was raspy because I was still recovering from being choked.

That damned half-breed! How dare he!

The half-breed turned to me and slowly smiled. He did not look amused. In fact, he looked more threatening than anything else. "Do you wish to die? If so, I will be happy to help you."

That look on his face was, frankly, frightening. Shifting on the bed, I made sure to not look at him. "No. No, I do not wish to die..."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Mayhaps you just do not think you do? If so, I can help you realize it..." he trailed off meaningfully.

"No." I snapped, worried by the look that he gave me. It was strangely joyful in a dark way.

This half-breed is definitely like my father.

A sadist.

"Enough." The golden haired human said, "We do not have time for this. Willow, heal him before he bleeds to death. You," he turned to me, "shut your mouth and let the man do his work."

Did he just tell me to shut my mouth?

"Do not argue, perverted fairy." He told me when I opened my mouth to do just that. "I am at my limit today and you will not like it if I am pushed past it."

Seeing the frigid glint in his eyes, I knew it to be true.

Choosing to pick my battles, I remained silent and was still as the half-breed began to inspect my wound again.

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now