What is this place?

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Father did not say anything about the pain that would follow teleportation. In fact, this was a different method of teleportation than what he usually did.

This method surrounded my body in a liquefied gas bubble that desolved my body into millions of peices and sending those pieces-which was my body-through a crack in the time space. The sensation of my body becoming like dust was one that I hoped never to feel again. It hurt. It was like burning alive. But the feeling of my body becoming whole once more within seconds after being destroyed was one that left my mind shaken.

I felt...violated.

I am Quinoa Kel. I can get through any pain without breaking a sweat. Certainly without crying.

A small pained groan left my mouth when the last piece of my body settled.

That was just a momentary glitch, I told myself.

Ignoring the uneasy way my body felt, I looked around to get my surroundings.

First thing I noticed was the abundance of trees. There was so many tree's that they almost completely blocked the sky.

Second thing I noticed was the lack of habitation.

Third thing I noticed was the silence. Sweet, wonderful silence.

"I am in heaven." I realized.

Indeed. This was heaven all right. No people anywhere around me. No noise to ruin my beauty rest. And plenty of trees to block out the world from interfering.

My kind of heaven.


Did that mean that I was dead?

"Damn you father," I growled, "You killed me!"

My voice startled the birds hiding in the trees into a fleeing flight across the sky. There were so many of the damned things that as they passed by overhead, they blocked the sun, making the shadowy forest even darker.

Instantly, I could feel it.

Deadly intent.

Then this is not heaven?

Not that I believed it was to begin with, I thought to myself.

Some rustling noise came from behind me. But when I turned around, all I could see was the still trees.

I was starting to get a bad feeling about this place.

I whirled around, my hand automatically reaching for a gun that wasn't there. Damn. I forgot that I left the gun back at my fathers castle. Guns are not allowed on Earth that has not even invented a light bulb. So proclaims my father.

Damn him. He makes everything hard!

Sweat began to slip down my brow as I searched frantically around the forest. All around me, the shrubbery moved, the leaves rustling despite there being no wind at all. There was dark tension in the air, making a chill run down my spine, even as I slowly began to back away.

"Ahhh!" A startled cry escaped my lips as I slipped on a hidden root and landed on my tail bone, shocking me. I could not move for a while. I began to fear that I would never be able to move again.

"Damn." I rubbed the back of my spine where it hurted. I felt moisture gather in my eyes, horrifying me, and I quickly rubbed them with my arm. I am not a baby who cries from a little fall.

...Damn, but it hurts...

A dark, vicious growl trickled through the shrubbery ahead of me. The pain forgotten, I slowly looked up...

...And met wild, crimson eye's.

A scream excaped before I could stop it.

That-whatever it was- snarled at me as it moved closer. It growled louder the closer it got to me, its eye's never straying from mine.

I tried to move, but I couldn't. It was like I was frozen. My heart hammered against my chect as I watched those eye's come nearer. It was going to kill me. I could see it in its gaze. It was going to kill me once it exited the shrubbery that hid it. It was going to kill me, and I couldn't even move a damned finger. Flinching back, my eye's squeezed shut as I waited for the pain to signal my demise.

Then, suddenly, the growling screeched to a halt.

I waited, my chest heaving with ragged breaths.

After a while of staying like this, I slowly peeked through my lashes.

The sun's rays lit up the forest around me and that...thing was gone.

My eyes flew around, frantically searching, before I breathed out a shaky breath in relief.

I stayed there for a moment, feeling lightheaded.

I remembered the birds startled into flight by my loud outburst. I remembered how they blocked the sun, and made the forest around me become dark. That...creature didn't come until then, so that tells me that it hates the sun. It also tells me that this forest was dangerous when it turns dark.

...I should leave. Right away.

But what was that thing with red eyes?

I shivered as I slowly tried to get to my feet. I found that I could move. Fear must have paralyzed me.

Damn it, I gritted my teeth. I almost died because I was too scared to do anything. What kind of man am I?

Well, there was no use moaning about it. And there was no time. I had to find civilization before night came.

Ironic how I was now looking for people, when before I would do everything in my power to avoid them. So ironic, that it was almost funny...

Like hell it is.


(A/N: Thanks to those who follow me, and especially those who read this story.

I edited this chapter quite a lot. I admit that before, Quinoa Kel was more...well, he wasn't as thoughtful as he is now. I'll just leave it at that. Haha.

If you liked this part, please vote, comment, or do all three~♡

■ Published October, 2013

■ Edited October 14, 2014 )

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now