Crazy humans and their barbarian ways...

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Normally I would be beyond joyous to be out of my father's rule, and his court. But this place was beyond creepy. Was this truly Earth, or did father make a mistake and instead sent me to another realm?

It wasn't unthinkable. In fact, it was possible that father did this to punish me for something that I didn't even remember. After all, father did it before when I was a rebellious young man.

The reason why was because I had done the unthinkable. I had the audacity to bed The King's mistress in his own room.

It didn't matter that she was the one to seduce me. It didn't matter if I tried to fight her off. It didn't even matter if I didn't even lay with her. All that mattered was that I was seen in bed with the harlot, looking flushed and sweaty.

Maybe father would have turned away and act like he never saw anything. But when father entered, he wasn't alone. There where others with him that clearly saw what The Kings Son had done in his absence.

Those others had been power hungry. They were the kind that would start a rebellion to take over a Kingdom.

Father couldn't take the risk of letting sleeping dragons lie.

And so, he punished me.

The realm he sent me to had been crazy. Humans were everywhere, flashing lights lit up the sky, metal birds flew above our heads, and speeding metal contraptions had rushed on black roads with yellow and white markings.

It was hell.

My father knew how much i despise humans, and that is why father sent me to the human world.

Wily bastard. He knew just how much I would suffer.

When I came back after a month of living in that horrid realm and stood before The King, he had been smirking even as he asked if I had liked that realm.

Sadistic, wily bastard.

So wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't feel the threat until it was too late.

I cried out in surprised pain as I clutched at my arm, my weakened knees buckling underneath me. I looked to see a long thin knife sticking out of my shoulder, blood dripping off the hilt. Before my mind could understand what the hell was happening, I was shoved to my face on the floor with a heavy weight on my back. I twisted my neck a little to try to see what attacked me, grimacing at the uncomfortable position. I felt my eye's widen as I saw a young human male sitting on my back, the sun lighting him up until he resembled a living golden statue. His face was shadowed, making it hard to see, but I could feel an itching, almost burning sensation that I instinctively knew was his eye's scrutinizing me from head to toe. My hair was suddenly gripped in a harsh hand and yanked, making my head jerk back and upwards, exposing my neck. There was a sharp sting at my adams apple and my eye's flew wide as I realized that a knife was pointed at my neck. I instantly began to struggle but froze as the knife's tip cut into my skin with warning. I couldn't help but swallow, and the knife dug in deeper, nicking into the thin flesh. I felt warm liquid slid down, and my eye's watered with pain. I cursed out loud at the damned human for making me bleed-for this golden being must be a human! Only a human would be so brutal!

The itchy, burning sensation slid down my spine, making me shudder with distaste. It traced over my lower body before rising up to my face again. I glowered at where the damned humans eye's should be, feeling dirty that it was checking me out.

Suddenly, the golden human let go of my hair and pulled the knife away. I groaned as I let my head fall to the ground, feeling a wash of warm liquid spill down my neck, and stain my white shirt. I hurt and ached, and I wanted to go back to my forest. Why the hell did I do what my father wanted and come here?

I was just about to question that out loud, when my head was yanked back again as the human grabbed my hair. I clenched my teeth, holding back any noise I would make, but I couldn't stop my body from trembling. I panted, trying to fight back the pain. I felt the humans eye's watching me again, and felt a chill go down my spine. Furious, I glared at him, my teeth bared in a snarl. "Damn you, you crazy human!" I growled. "Who do you think you are, treating me this way? Once I get free, I'll make you suffer so bad that you wish you've never been alive in the first place, you damned, disgusting, germ infested-"

I felt the knife back at my throat, making me come to a screeching halt. It dug in deep, and I couldn't stop a small fearful noise from escaping my lips.

"I think you should shut up." I heard a very cold, deep melodic voice whisper against my ear, warm wet breath tickling my nape.

I shivered, fear making my flesh sensitive.

"What a waste." I heard the human say in a oddly regretful tone.

What is this crazy human talking about? I wondered.

Again, I blamed father for my ill gotten luck. It is because of him that I am being threatened by a human.

Crazy humans and their barbarian ways!


(A/N: This was rewritten. Originally, it was in Gwen's POV but then I realized that didn't make sense, when I wrote most of the book in Kel's POV and so I changed it.

I hope it came out good ^^;

Written in: October 2013

Edited on: October 23, 2014. )

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now