Elemental passion

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I opened my eye's to see a canopy of vibrant green leaves and small, light purple flowers that were barely blooming. Those flowers were open and bright underneath the dappled sunlight and the petals reminded me of arms stretched out in delightful happiness. A small smile made its way across my lips. Everything seemed all right with the world. I was surprisingly happy, as though a great weight has been lifted from my soul.

That is until a cold, unfriendly voice beside me said, "You look like a grinning idiot."

Ah, yes. I forgot about him.

Turning my head towards the glaring human, I was about to tell him exactly what I thought of his opinion. But then I became entranced by the way he looked, sitting there with his back against the tree trunk with part of the sun lighting up half of his face and the other half darkened by shadow. The sun lit up that golden mane, making me want to reach out and run fingers through it to see if it was the soft liquid gold that it resembled. His face-that cold, emotionless face that looked soft and young at times then looked distainful and wise at others-was bowed down as his narrowed, dark golden eye's studied the sword in his hands that was settled across his crossed legs. He was wittling the weapon, experly and gracefully. Those strong, long-fingered calloused hands steady and gentle on the swords hilt and the witling stone.

He was...captivating.

I wish I could have this moment last. The way he was, the way his body was seated, the way the muscles in his shoulders and arms seemed to flex and move like liquid grace with every movement...I wish this beautiful moment could last eternity.

But sadly, the world doesn't stop for any person.

Pausing in his work, the cold human looked up from his work and frowned at me. "What are you looking at, perverted fairy?"

Again, that damned nickname! I inwardly raged.

"Must you always call me that?" I demanded.

He ignored me. "I want you to answer my question."

Furrowing my brow, I snapped, "What else would I be looking at? The only person around me is you!" My hearing must be playing tricks, because that couldn't be me that was yelling so childishly. I was forever graceful and composed. Never, ever was I childish.

The look the human gave me made my ire rise.

Deciding to ignore the bastard human, I sat up.

Instantly, the world spun in a world of green and purple and yellow before fading away.

The next time I opened my eye's, I was in strong, surprisingly gentle arms.

I studied the humans face. I couldn't help but remember the way he tastes. The way that his lips seem to be made for mine. That kind of thought led to other, more sultry ones.

My face burned with simultaneous feelings of shame and excitement. Embarrassed by my minds wanderings, I tucked my head down, hiding my face between the humans shoulder and neck.

I shouldn't be feeling such things, thinking such things. Not for this cold, unemotional bastard who seemed to love fighting and killing.

Yet, I couldn't help but relish the feel of his arms wrapped oh-so gently around me. I couldn't help but burrow deeper in even closer to his strong body and close my eye's to better listen to the sound of his steady heart beating against my ear.

I desire this human. I lust for him.

And I...

"Where are we going?" I asked. Anything to stop that train of thought.

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now