Kel is understandably worried

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Well, this was unexpected, I thought as I came to a halt before father.

Father, not knowing that I was in his room, continued to 'entertain' his guest.

Their clothes were rumpled and their bodies were writhing around on the silk covers. The woman was straddling father, her hands caressing his broad, smooth chest as she moved her hips over his, the dress she was wearing, thankfully, covering her and my fathers lower body. Her light golden brown hair fell in silken tresses down her bare spine, the upper part of her dress untied and pulled down to her waist. The sight of her bare breasts caught my interest for a long second, before I realized that I was watching my father and his 'guest' have intercourse on his bed.

Like a cold bucket of ice was splashed across my face, I jerked back a step and shuddered with distaste.

My sudden movement caught my fathers attention.

His head jerked towards me, his face reflected his horror. Muttering a quick curse, he shoved the girl off of him and pulled the covers around his lower body. He turned an interesting shade of pink. If I didn't know that he could destroy my soul with one snap of his fingers, I would have laughed.

With nothing else to do, I waved a hand lazily. "Hey, father. I see you're doing well..."

His electric blue eyes stared at me, not even glancing at the girl as she settled her clothing into respectful order and stormed out with a huff. The sound of the door slamming echoed in the sudden silence.

"Ahh. There goes your new conquest." I couldn't help but lement. After all, she was very beautiful. Though her hair reminded me of that damned crazy human...

Father gathered his control and stood up, pulling the covers with him and covering his lower body. He walked over to tower over me.

"You just left," Father growled in a low threatening voice.

I quickly laughed, trying to make father see the humor in this, though even I couldn't see what was funny in this situation. "Ahaha...well about tha-"

Fathers withering glare cut me off mid-word. That look made my skin crawl. There was this coldness to it that reminded me of that crazy damned human who just killed me.

His arms crossing over his strong chest, he stared at me with those eyes.

Mouth going dry, I swallowed.

His jaw clenched even tighter and it was clear that he was struggling for control. "I do not want any excuses, Quinoa Kel." I winced as he said my name. The only time he intones my whole name is when he's holding himself back from killing me on the spot. I felt true fear as I stared into my fathers brilliant blue eyes.

I looked away from his piercing stare and glanced around the room. I've never seen fathers room before, so I was curious. I could never curb my curiosity, even when I'm scared, apparently.  Most would probably say that that would get me in many troublesome situations.

And I agree. But I still couldn't curb it.

The bed took up most of the room with its canopy of gold lacy silk curtains.  They were tied in a neat bow by thick cerulean blue ribbons to the posts. Dozens of pillows in different shades of blues and gold and yellow were scattered on the bed and even on the floor, where they must have fallen when father was 'entertaining' his 'guest'.

The walls were a deep blue so dark that it was almost black. With no other light but the fireplace, the walls seemed to be dancing with shades of blue, black, orange and red, dancing and swaying with the flames shadow, tricking the mind into thinking there was living creatures moving on the walls in the room.

Plush leather black chairs were pulled up side by side near a dark, shiny red-wood table. The person who made the table had decorated it with vines and small subtle flowers that twisted around the legs and curled up the sides of the table top. Small and elegant, the table was a wonderful piece of work made by a talented human many years ago.

Father settled himself on one of the leather plush chairs, part of his face in shadow. His electric blue eyes cut through the darkness easily, settling on mine.

I looked back, keeping my face calm. I couldn't help but wonder if father noticed that I wasn't paying attention to him. Seeing the annoyed aura radiating off of him, I figured that he had-although, he could be annoyed because I stopped him from...'finishing from entertaining his guest', so to speak.

"You will go back and make Gwendell MacFarlane a King. Do you understand me?" It wasn't really a question. More like a elegantly said order.

I nodded swiftly, wishing to leave with all my heart. This tense atmosphere was bad for a persons heart.

"Good." Father stapled his fingers before his chin as he studied me with those eyes of his.

I waited for him to send me back to the horrid human world. When he didn't, I frowned.

"I will tell you who is to be the King of humans." Father finally said.

I looked at father, my face as blank as I could make it. What was he up to, I wondered. The glint in his eyes made me understandably worried.

His lips turned up at the corners in a small smile. "It is the one who killed you."

And father sent me straight back to that horrendous Earth without another word.

(A/N: I changed this from Gwendells POV to Kel, because most of this story is in Kels POV and I figured it wouldnt make sense if I suddenly had it in Gwendells POV.

Thanks for those who follow me. Please, tell me if I have made any mistakes. I love constructive criticism~♡

Edited: October 30, 2014 )

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