Pleasure and pain

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(A/N: Ok. This chapter is kind of...well, it's a little racy. This chapter is for @nijirei_ because she wanted Kel and Gwendell in a racy scene haha. Um, so I'm gonna go and take a cold shower *blushes like crazy*

Warning: This chapter has sexual content. If you do not like boy×boy or aren't comfortable with sexual content, then please don't read.

Ok. I gave the warning. Now, please enjoy the chapter~♡ )


Wetness. Warmth. The feeling of flesh on mine. Desire. Sharp, cutting lust.

I moan, arching up as I felt a moist suction on my lower stomach. With hazy eye's, I look down to see golden hair spread over my lower body. Golden hair that looked soft and tempting. I rose my hand and let it hover above the head, hesitant in disturbing the person from giving me such pleasure.

A groan escaped my mouth and my head fell back as that talented mouth took me in slowly and tightly. My breathing hitched as I felt teeth gently nip at the edges.

"Fuck!" I growled in a hoarse voice. Sitting up, I leaned back on my arms. My skin warmed pleasantly as that mouth took in even more of me. I heard the person gagg a little before determinedly taking all of me into their throat.

I panted as I stared down with heavy-lidded eyes.

I wanted to see their face. I wanted to look into their eyes as they lick and suck me.

Grabbing that golden hair, I jerked the head back.

Cold golden eyes clashed with mine.

"W-what?" I stuttered in disbelief.

His lips twitched into a very brief smile before his face went back to that cold expression. "What's wrong, perverted fairy? I am merly doing what you wanted me to do since we first met."

"You're lying." I snapped. I felt my cheeks grow hot as that cold gaze looked at me with a knowing glint in their depths. "I never wanted you. Not that way. You are mistaken!"

"Really now?" He questioned drily.

I nodded. "Really."

His lips-reddened and bruised from his abuse of them-twisted into a smirk that made me tense.

A choked gasp left my lips and my body jerked as he licked a trail up my member until he reached the end, where he flicked the slit with the tip of his tongue, catching the drop of moisture coming from there. He slowly licked his lips, as though he loved the taste of it. The taste of me. All the while, he stared into my eyes with a sharp knowing look.

I felt hot. I tryed to fight it, this heat. I was Quinoa Kel! I didn't back down to anyone!

But that small smirk that he gave me coupled with that knowledgeable look made me burn.

I couldn't take it.

I looked away while biting my lip as I felt the scorching heat spread down my face to my neck and heaving chest.

"I think you lie, perverted fairy." his voice was deeper than usual. There was a darkness in it that made me tremble. I watched, helpless, as he crawled over me, pushing me onto my back. His face was close. So close, that only an inch seperated our lips. He gave me that smirk yet again as he stared down into my eye's. "I think you wanted to do this with me. Ever. Since. The. Very. Beginning." With every word, he went closer to me. The last word was said on a breath against my lips.

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now