I'm going to kill...

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I crawled out of the damned ground, my nails ragged and crusted with dirt and congealing blood. With a sharp gasp, I growled, "...that damned psychotic human!" as soon as I drew my first breath of fresh air in what seemed forever. The feeling of being killed and then having my soul slam back into my body was one I would never like to feel again. The pain of the large wound on my neck healing burned as fiery as a blazing inferno, scalding my blood and bringing tears to my eyes-though I quickly wiped the tears away and decided that it was simply sweat leaking from my eyes.

Soon enough, the wound on my neck was gone without a trace of a scar. I tentatively touched it, and though it felt tender, it didn't hurt.

For a long moment, I sat there on the ground poking at where the wound used to be. I refused to liken it to the way a child plays with something new and interesting, but it was close to that. Just not that analogy, because I am not a child.

Soon, the awe faded and I noticed other things.

Like, for instance, my state of clothes.

"Ugh. I have dirt and mud and all kinds of other things on me. Yuckie." Instantly I looked around then breathed out in relief as I confirmed that no one was around to hear me saying such a unmanly word.

What grown man says that? It must have been the dirt in my ears. It must have gotten into my brain and made me say such a thing!

Though it is yuckie...

I quickly got to my feet, finally escaping that grave.

The psycho made me my own grave. How sweet.

Yeah. Right.

I shook off the dirt and other stuff from my hair then harshly dusted my clothes with my hands. I stared at the dark brown stains on my not-so-white shirt for a long second, then shrugged and continued to try to dust my clothes off. The damned dirt wouldn't come off.

Blood is blood. It isn't that bad.

But...it's my blood...

I glared down at my clothes as my efforts on trying to clean then didn't work.

These were no good anymore. I'm gonna have to burn the clothes and maybe myself with it to get all the germs off of me.

I gagged as I brushed off what had to be thousands of what looked like worms. But these worms were small and white.



Yes. Ugh.

Well, I am on a mission. I had to find the ass that killed me.

I studied my surroundings.

I was still in the dangerous forest. A shadow passed over head as a bird flew above me. My eyes followed its path in a distracted way. They widened as I noticed how low the sun was getting.

Damn. I have to find a way to leave this forest before it gets dark.

Who knows what resides here. Well, I know now that a psycho is somewhere in this forest. A psycho that I now have to track down...

And I cannot forget those red eyes that watched me when the sun was blocked by that swarm of birds...

I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Damn crazy humans in this damned crazy earth of theirs. Who did that damn guy think he was to kill me!" I muttered as I made my way North. I punched aside thick hanging vines and kicked at any stray log that happened to come in my way. I gave an aggravated sigh. "I hate humans, I hate Earth and I hate my father for getting me into this situation."

It was also stupid of me to agree to fathers wishes. Why did I not tell him to leave me alone?

I gave another sigh.

This day is just getting worse and worse...

All because I did as father wished.

Its like I like the man and want his approval.

Which I don't!


Shaking my head, I pushed that aside.

"Stupid, murderous, evil, baby faced soon to be the humans King mad man!"

When I find him, I'll-I'll-


I'll think of something!


(Posted: 2013

Edited: October 30, 2014

If you see any mistakes, please tell me so I can fix it. Constructive criticism is a writers best friend after all ~♡ )

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