It gets worse and worse

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The leader of the town of Val sat on his chair letting out a sigh. He had given his name to me with no care in the world. Emmenie. A name I never heard of before and that sounded kinda girlish if you asked me. What flabbergasted me was that he had no qualm giving his name at all. Didn't he know that I , being part fairy, could use his real name and make him become my slave if I so chose to do so? He knew about fairies so I'm sure he did.

Unless, that name was not real..

If so, then what is his real name?

We were inside his home, seated at his dinning table. It was small and perfect for a warm get together but this meeting wasnt warm. It was business. Well, to me it was. To Emmenie, it seemed like he was having a great time. The walls are covered in red wood. The wood is polished and sheened to a high gloss, reflecting like a warped mirror back at me. I saw the back of his body and my blurry face from that wooden surface. I could see behind me the entrance to the dinning room. The door was a dark red and was still closed. The floors were of the same wood and as smooth and shiny. I wonder if he cleaned it himself or if he made his people clean it for him. There was paintings hanging from the wooden walls. Portraits of him and his son when the evil bastard was nearly a baby. How innocent that bastard looks with such a cherub smile and look. Staring out at me with those golden eyes that the artist seemed to inhance. What the hell happened to make him so cold and murderous?

There was also paintings of a beautiful red haired woman that resembled an angel. That woman must be the mother of that bastard. I spent some time studying her features and noticed no similarities between her and her son. He resembled his father most. Between a mother who is as beautiful as a angel and a father that is surprisingly beautiful for a male, it was a wonder that he didn't turn out to be the most beautiful man alive. I'm surprised that he is actually plain. He was cute and beautiful as a baby but now as a man he's ordinary, cold and ruthless. What happened?

"Forgive me if I offend, but you are a very special man if you made my son laugh."

I stared at him for a long second, my mind screeching to a sharp halt. Did he just say that? I found myself feeling uneasy and angry at the same time. I was in a high state of anxiety. I thought of many ways to make him regret ever saying such a thing before I snorted. I was done with formalities. "Look human. I don't care if I made your son laugh, cry or pass gas. I need supplies and I need your son."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

I frowned, wondering what he looked so amused about before I felt my face burn intensely. "I-I-I don't need your son in that way!" I almost shouted.

He began to laugh.

I growled. "Cease making my words appear different than what I mean."

"I am sorry." The leader said. He sounded anything but sorry. "It is just that you make it so easy."

I ground my teeth, but decided to ignore that. Enough with this. I came here for business and business I will do. "I am assigned the job of guiding your son."

"Hmm." The leader raised an eyebrow. "By who, if I may ask."

"By The King Of Fairies."

He jerked, his body becoming stiff. He stared at me for a long moment, his face turning dark. His lips tightened until they were only a white slash. He nodded once, as he raised his hands to staple them before his mouth, his elbows resting on the dinning table.

I wanted to frown but fought it off.

But that was odd.

What a weird reaction.

A Little Tall Tale -(Boy×Boy/Completed But Editing/Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now