If you were their child

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Mor- She took you in after a war in your home country that left both of your biological parents unfortunately deceased, and when she found you cradled in your mother's arms as a little infant she couldn't very well leave you.

"Hello there little one." She whispered calmly, shushing your wailing. "It's alright, your safe with me I promise."

You quieted at the sound of her voice and opened your eyes, blinking at the bright sun.

"I'm so sorry that those awful people took your family away, and I may not be all that experienced with infant care, but I'll do my best I can promise you that."

You were the absolute love of her life, she adored you more than anyone else in the entire world. The inner circle was hesitant at first but quickly realized that they couldn't live without your bubbly personality.

Mor and her mate, who she met shortly after she took you in, trained you and taught you everything about pyrithian, while also ensuring that you never forgot about the place you came from.

Feysand(Feyre and Rhys)- They cherished you and made sure you had a safe and happy childhood and that you wouldn't have to experience the horrors of war as they had.

Despite the fact that they were often busy with court matters they always made sure they made it home in time for dinner on most days, and whenever they had a day off they always took the time to catch up with you.

They were there when you really needed them. Whether it be illness or heartbreak, as soon as one of the others sent for them they rushed home instantly caring for you no matter what they were doing prior to coming home.

Of course there were times when you were frustrated and wished that you were never born to parents that were so prominent within pyrithian, but at the end of the day you were reminded of those who could barely afford to feed their families and instantly regretted your selfish inner thoughts.

You were grateful for your lavish ways of living, even if that meant your family couldn't always be around to know of every little thing that went on with you, simply because they meant to provide for and protect the city you called home.

Amren- Who would've ever guessed she'd have a child? Probably no one let's be honest here. You came along and she loved you, although you sometimes didn't feel that way because she rarely ever said those words, instead she showed it through actions. She protected you, constantly ensuring that you ate and slept well, and when you were sick she made sure to give you medicine. There was an unspoken deep-rooted trust between the two of you and she was your greatest confidant. You both enjoyed the quiet, simple things and preferred being on your own most of the time, but you didn't mind the occasional outing with mor or one of your cousins.

Cassian- You are the youngest of your siblings so he always felt he had to look out for you, you found this incredibly annoying and even lashed out at him a few times because of it. Although you still appreciated him for his jokes and how he let you cry in his arms whenever you were sad or overwhelmed with everything going on in your life. He was a very loving man and you honestly couldn't hope for a better father, even if he could be a major pain in your ass sometimes.

Helion- He spoiled you beyond belief but not to the point that you were a brat. If you did something wrong you were punished so you learned your lesson. He absolutely loved you and protected you with his whole being, you were very honest, to a fault even, but you were also very kind and wore your heart on your sleeve. It wasn't a pleasant combination, so you often tried to change the way people perceived you, that's when you get in trouble. Helion would tell you that he thinks you're amazing and to keep being yourself because it doesn't matter what the people think of you, you're his child and that's all that he cared about.

Lucien- He was careful because he didn't want what happened in his past to happen to you. He wanted you to be your own person, to be free. You were very kind and quiet, preferring the simple things, you adored nature and the creatures you were able to befriend because of it. Whenever you had a bad day, he'd let you braid his hair as it calmed you down, it was your special thing.

Elain- You struggled with anxiety and she learned exactly what your triggers were and what calmed you down. There was no real cause to your condition, but she knew that it wasn't something you could control and saw how hard you tried to cope and how hard you tried to be normal, she thought you were perfect nonetheless. On good days you could do anything anyone else in your family could, on really bad days you'd either stay in your room or try to act like you were fine until something set you off. When that happened, your mother would hold you and shush you until you came down from that attack and then she would take you to the garden or library to do something simple and easy to take your mind off things. You would apologize and she, kindly of course, would shut you down and tell you that it's okay because you can't just wish your problems away. She understood you,  and you loved her all the more for it

Azriel- He never thought he'd have a family, so when you came along he felt so much love it was indescribable. You were the complete and utter opposite to him, most would say you were more like Cassian. No, you weren't the cause of his chronic headaches, you were actually the best cure. Whenever he was going through that, you knew to calm down and quietly sneak into his room, slipping under the covers and snuggling into his arms, not making a sound. He would slowly wrap his arms around you and you would both take a much needed break from it all.

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