Part 11: I'm safe now, maybe not!

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My body was froze at the instinct. He held a knife to my throat and put his hand on my mouth so that I won't shout.

I felt extremely weak and vulnerable, I was so helpless. I had no courage left to fight back.

He forced me into the same room and tied me with chair. He stuffed my mouth with cloth. He tied my hand with my throat so every time I struggle to open my hands, the rope around my throat got tighter.

Why was he doing this to me?
Who was he?

I wasn't able to see his face because he was wearing a black hoodie but in the dim light and flicker of candles I just saw a glimpse of him.

His face was...ruined! Half side of his face was burned I guess but whatever it was, it was horrible.

He didn't said a word, maybe he can't speak because after all my struggles and cussing he didn't uttered a single word.

Now I was Sitting alone in the room. I was tired and confused. My life turned upside down in just one day. Papa, Lilly ,Maria and Louis would be worried they would be searching for me everywhere.

Why me? I knew my eyes were a curse and I was supposed to hide them but it was all just a fault.

I slowly tried to untie my hands still the grip of rope got tighter. It was useless to struggle now.

I just sat there. Motionlessly, and defeated. I've always been a strong girl I never had the mother love and papa was a very busy person he often traveled and yes he was kind of strict person too.

I was happy with my life and my friends. Oh god I promise I'll d careful next time please help me let me go.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks and I closed my eyes.

The window was half open and a cool yet calming breeze hit me. It was strange because I felt something really strange.

It was just a wind and yet it gave me the feeling of hope and strength.
I closed my eyes and what happened next was totally unbelievable and unexpected.


I ran and ran and ran. I've never ever run this much in my life and this fast, I could have won a marathon at this speed though.

You guys would be thinking how I escaped and what happened? Well I'll explain that later it's not time to talk I have to safe my life!

There was a small cottage near by. I think I could go there and ask for help.
But wait! I guess I should cover my face so that my eyes would be unnoticed.

I sat near a tree, Catching my breath. And something pricked me. I turned around to see a shrub full of big sized thorns and an idea hit me.

I carefully plucked out a big thorn and teared a some of my gown. Now I was having a good amount of cloth to cover up my face.

I went to the cottage door and knocked ,hiding my face.
After several knocks finally it got open and what stood in front of me was...unexpected.

Louis was there!
Oh thank god I'm safe now.
I quickly went up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back.

He then looked at me still confused.
"What happened?", he asked.

"Don't you know? Well um there's a lot to tell too much happened", I said.

"Goddamit just tell me what happened? Look at yourself! What happened? Oh god are you okay?", he looked so concerned and fear was visible on his face. 

"Yes I'm fine. Let's sit here I'll explain you", and I told him everything every detail.

He pulled me into a tight hug and I felt his warm tears on my neck.
"I'm so sorry love I wasn't there for you I'm so sorry. You went through so much alone, it's all my fault I let you go there alone. I can't forgive myself".

"No its not your fault, it's ok look I'm here with you everything is fine now", I said while calming him down.

He put his head in crook of my neck and I ran fingers through his hair. We stayed for a long time in that position and his breath was calming down.

"I'm so scared I could have lost you, it's so disturbing to even consider it", he whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere, you can't get rid of me so soon", I said and chuckled.
He chuckled too and kissed my neck.

"I'll bring you something to eat and clean your wounds", he said and went to the kitchen.

I observed the cottage, it was small yet cute. I forgot to ask him why he was here.

"Hey Lo what were you doing here?", I asked.

"Um this cottage? Well it belongs to my uncle he sent me here to collect some of his belongings", he replied from kitchen.

I can take rest now. God I'm so tired!

I laid on couch and pull over a blanket lying nearby. I felt so easy and comfy and I was sleepy too.

As my eyes were going to close I heard the door burst open. My eyes widened in shock.

The guards!

Louis came running and fear was equally on his face too. He tried to grab my hand but one of the guard pulled us apart.

I felt Louis put something in my gown pocket and in blink of eyes we were apart. I was in the carriage going towards the castle.

If they were so determined to catch me then why they did it so late. I went through a lot of stress.

I mean if they had to imprison me or to kill me just do fast don't make me suffer more.

I was motionless and emotionless. My all energy was drained all I could feel was the absence of Louis warmth, papa's care and Lilly's senseless jokes.

I closed my eyes and let the stream of tears to flow.

What's going to happen with her now?

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Enjoy :)

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