Part 24: Betrayel

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My legs were shivering I didn't had the stamina to stand, I fell on the ground. This happened, I lost my everything today.

Louis body was drenched in pool of his own blood. I ran to his body and sat on his blood.

"Louis hey wake up! You can't leave me", I cried.

"I'm so sorry Lou I couldn't protect you, you kept on telling me that don't go to ball and it was my wish to go, everything happened because of me", I hugged him.

"Please wake up don't do this to me, you can't leave me like this Lou, don't go please", I cried even harder.

I put my head on his chest and I couldn't hear heartbeat, I lost two important person of my life today just because of my powers.

I screamed and cried louder hysterically, what's gone is gone and lose is permanent.

Someone tried to hold me back from his body and when I turned to see it was the face which I was hating the most this moment.

It was Aiden.

He killed Louis and he had the gun.
"Sapphire let me explain", he said.

"WHAT WOULD YOU EXPLAIN? GET LOST!", I screamed and stood up.

I have never felt this anger before he killed him no matter what the reason was he killed my childhood best friend.

I hated myself more then ever to love this person to still being in love with this person who was a mere murderer.

Hate love and revenge was all I felt now. He came closer and held my arm which made me and looked into my eyes.

His dark blue eyes had a lot to explain and a part of me thought that maybe he have some reason but I hated myself for still defending him.

Unknown POV:

Hmm everything is going great so far, Sapphire's closest people are dead and Aiden killed one of them.

Her eyes were shining and her hand were glowing too. This was the time she was in her power.

She pushed back Aiden and he fell back near tree. She then held him up from her power and suffocated him.

Kill him Sapphire Kill him.

He was choking and his face was getting red. What a beautiful view! Isn't it?

Just few seconds more and he'll be dead. Kill him!

And with that he stopped struggling, she dropped him at ground and he laid emotionless on ground.

All the hurdles in my ways were clear now I can kill Sapphire and take her powers to be the strongest person on earth.

She was confused at the view of dead Aiden, such a bad thing for an innocent girl.

Time to reveal myself!

Seeing Aiden dead by her hand and losing all her loved ones was the time she was in her weakest state and what a good time to attack my prey.

I proceeded from her behind and twisted her arm so she can't move.

She cried in pain and tried to release herself but at this time she was drained out of powers.

I held a knife against her throat but then let it down because it won't be fun killing her like this I want to see her face while dying and making me supreme being.

Sapphire POV:

Someone came from my behind and twisted my arm so hard that I screamed in pain.

No one came to help me no one was at castle. I tried to look back to see who it was but my arm was held tightly and I didn't had the energy to fight back.

I can't believe I killed Aiden I don't know how it happened. I wasn't in state of mind but no matter what he was also dead my love was dead and now I had no reason to live.

The person pushed me and I fell on ground so hard. When I turned back to see who it was I saw the most unexpected person standing in front of me.

All the time I trusted this person but he was the real villain. I was so confused that I couldn't speak any word.

"Are you alive?", was all I could say.

"Yes honey, I can't die this soon and these little bullets can do nothing to me", he chuckled wickedly.

"You did this all Louis? But why?", I couldn't believe my eyes.

"But why? Good question. I kidnapped you from palace when you were born then I with my friend, who was your so called father, hid you from word that one day we can get your power. He was getting very impatient so I killed him too", he said.

"No this can't be true, he was my father what are you saying you filth! I can't believe it was you", I shouted.

"It was our plan and your father wasn't your father, me and him were wizards and we wanted your powers so we had to wait till you're 18 and the day when you're emotionally too weak to attack", he held my arm again and gave me electric shock.

"I also have powers honey so don't underestimate me and gave me your powers now hold this stone and say that you give me your powers", he said.

I had nothing to live for everyone was dead so I held the stone.
"I willingly give you my powers", I said and the stone glowed.

He held the stone and laughed evilly and stabbed a knife into my stomach. I didn't had the energy to cry to scream because no one was going to help me and closed my eyes.

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