Part 9: The ball

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Two hours already passed and still we weren't done with the facials. Maria bought us some herbs and stuff that she got from a woman who lived near meadows she claimed to have the ancient beauty secrets and at the age of 80 she still had flawless skin.

We were could have done the facial thing yesterday but the old woman told that it would be more effective if you do the facials step by step exactly before going to the event it will give a natural glow, increase face blood circulation which will give pinker cheeks and lips.

Finally we were done with the facials and scrubs we also applied yogurt egg and oil in hair to make them silky and them applied banana and aleovera paste to give them extra shine.

We waxed our faces, arms and legs and after all the struggles we finally wore our dresses and in all this process we didn't looked in the mirror because we wanted to see that wether facial had any noticeable change.

Finally we both looked at the mirror and we both gasped at our reflection. Oh my god it wasn't me I rubbed my eyes and pinched my arms to confirm wether it was me or not.

The dress perfectly hugged my curves my long hair flowing till my back and my skin radiating like a shining star and my cheeks were pink and lips fuller. My skin felt so soft and shinier I never felt too good and so beautiful before.

I saw Lilly she was looking astonishing too and very beautiful. Her dress was really beautiful and she also looked no less then a princess. Then we both looked each other and jumped in excitement and happiness.

Finally I applied my lenses dark chocolate brown. I always used them when I had to go to out of city because everyone especially father used to tell me that the eye color I had was a bad omen and my life could be in danger if anyone see it outside the city it can cause danger to my life and my loved ones.

At some point I also thought that maybe he was right maybe it was a bad omen because I never saw anyone with Sapphire coloured eyes not a single person in whole city and not even in other cities though I travelled less but whenever I went I never saw anyone with sapphire eyes.

I finally looked at the mirror for the last time, Lilly and Maria were waiting outside for me, I was looking different more precisely beautiful I never focused on myself all these girly things never fantasised me but today I liked my look.

Louis told me that he would be waiting at the corner of street to just see me so I wore my shoes and left.

Oh boy it was getting hard to walk in heels and the journey was long till the carriage but all the thanks goes to my cute boyfriend who arranged carriage fast and we didn't walked to much.

After one hour we were in the outskirts of castle just 30 minutes more were left and the castle was clearly visible.
I felt something strange seeing it I dint know what that feeling was.

Maybe I felt nervous or maybe estatic or anything like that but I had two feelings one of danger(I don't know why) and one of happiness obviously I was going to royal ball.

Finally we arrived at the gate we had a body check and then we were in the garden of castle.

There were a lot of people enjoying, dancing, singing, eating, chatting and of course showing off their dresses. Some girls were over exaggerating about their high quality expensive gowns and blah blah blah.

My feet were sore now after roaming around the castle and I felt tired. I took off my shoes and sat on a bench and placed my heels under the bench. The dance would start at 6:00pm and it was 5pm now still we had one hour to explore the castle.

I took my heels in hands and wandered to the garden side very few people were there. There were variety of flowers some were the rare species and there was a maze too children were playing there.

I saw those children playing it was better to be here in garden with children rather then being with those exaggerating girls they looked so fake.

A cute girl with two ponytails came and asked me to play with her as no one was playing with her so I agreed and I started to chase her, soon other children joined us too.

It was my turn to run and collided with a wall and fell, well Not wall I guess because when I looked up to see where to wall appeared from nowhere, my eyes met with two beautiful dark blue eyes.

From his attire he looked rich and he offered me his hand so of course he was a gentleman too. I gave me a warm smile and extended his hand,

"I'm Aiden", he said.

"I'm Sapphire", I replied.

He then said me to enjoy the party and left. I was so disoriented my curls were now gone and my hair looked like mess , I ran a hand through hair and patted my gown and that time I saw a beautiful pendant I picked it up and ran after him but he wasn't there.

I tucked it in my pocket and decided not to play anymore. I went back to see where Lilly was and she was still there singing and dancing, I was saving my energy for royal dance.

"Ladies and gentlemen...and all the adorable children I king Luther and my wife queen Alexandra welcome you all to today's Royal ball.

Today's ceremony is in remembrance of our beloved daughter. Enjoy yourself. The Royal dance May begins now and the gates shall be opened to the hall", king said and everyone cheered up.

The hall was super duper huge my whole village would be just 50% of it. There were pianist and violinist playing the music slowly. Everyone was dancing some were fast some were slow.

I didn't knew how to dance so I remained in the corner. Lilly came to me and told that she would be dancing with some cute guy and giggled.
I was observing people's dance so I can memorise some steps.

"Would you like to dance with me?", the cute guy aka Aiden came and asked.

"Um I don't know how to dance", I hesitated.

"It's ok I'll teach you", he said and took my hand and brought me to the centre of hall. Girls were sending daggers me by eyes and were whispering she's with the prince.

What prince??? I was confuse yet nervous I was still in my thoughts when a girl pushed me I fell something went into my eyes and I rubbed them I guess my lens dropped.

When I stood up Aiden asked "you were wearing lenses?", and everyone eyed me , there was silence.

Now I was the centre of attention I stood up and ran to the bathroom.

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