Part 10: Run

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Oh god what would I do now? My father strictly ordered me not to show my eyes. And everyone saw it especially the royal family they'll kill me.

I was breathing heavily in washroom my heart was beating fast and my body felt numb my hands were cold and I was sweating. They won't spare me if I go out.


I didn't replied.

"Miss open the door! The King wants to see you now", the guard said.
I still didn't replied.

"It's an order Miss of else we'll have to break the door", the guard said and firm voice.

Oh god I'm so fucked up!

Then I saw a window above the commode. It wasn't big but big enough for me to crawl out. I let my heels there and the jewellery too because they would cause problem in running.
I'll miss my first pair of heels though.

No time for jokes!

I stand up on the lid or commode and pushed myself out of window and with a band I was on the floor. Well actually on grass.

It was dark but thank god the moonlight was full today, without second thought I held my dress up and ran.

I ran so fast I didn't knew the direction I didn't knew where I was going I just ran and ran. They'd be probably searching for me now and they'd have known I ran from the window they'll be after me.

Without looking back I ran and entered into a thick forest. It was creepy and very dark. I could heard howls too, the moon wasn't visible anymore. It wasn't the plain grass of castle anymore it was the uneven land of forest a lot of things pricked into my foot.

I could heard the footsteps of guards after me the voice wasn't clear but I was sure they were after me. I kept on running until I stumbled over a big stone and fell.

I tried to stand up but my feet hurt. I crawled towards a big true and hid myself, now I took a moment to observe where I was.

Oh god I'm lost! I should have listened to Louis. What will I do now there's no exit way from this forest if you're lost once because these were the most dense and vast expanded forests of the whole country. No one survived out of it alive and alone papa told me.

Oh papa I miss you so much! I shouldn't have come here. Hot tears welled up in my eyes and I let them flow. I was so helpless.

Someone put his hand on my mouth and grabbed me into the darkness. I didn't knew what's going on I didn't had time to process. I knew it could be king's guard or any kidnapper but I had no energy left to resist.

I didn't recovered from the shock of running with a stranger and the whole army thing after me , and then something hit hard into my head. The pain was very sharp and I cried in pain and then my world went black.


Sweet aroma filled my sense of smell. I was conscious now but I didn't had the energy to move or to open my eyes. I just lay there and slowly started to think what happened.

Where am I ?

This isn't my house or Lilly's because we never had this type of aromas. And then I recalled the events of army after me and suddenly I opened my eyes wide with shock.

I observed the room it was simple yet beautiful and the bed was very comfortable if I weren't running from army I'd have slept here.

I slowly tried to get up but my head hurt. Ah man? I've bandage on my head.

I thought to call for help but then I realise the army would know that I'm awake now so they'll prepare me for killing so it's better not to speak and run.

I put my feet on floor and realised they were swollen and had dried blood on. I can't run anymore.

But I can walk out of the house atleast.

Slowly I opened the door knob and started to walk in right direction. Tiptoeing so no one can hear me. I don't know why but this house kinda seemed familiar. Or maybe Deja vu.

There weren't much rooms and the house was small with flickering candles everywhere.
And it had strange things too I guess magic things and the lounge seemed pretty creepy.

Oh there's the entrance door!

I quickly went to the door and tried to open it but it was lock. Panic filled in me, there were windows too I went to the windows and tried to open it but all in vain they were lock.

I then again went to the door and tried to open it and then I felt someone touched me.

I stoped in tracks.

He put his face in crook of my neck and hugged me from back.

My whole body got numb and blood drained out of my body.

Holy fuck!

Helloww my lovelies. How's the chapter so far? Don't forget;
What do you think who this person could be?
Any creepy lover?
Or any horny lover from army?
With whom Sapphire ran?
Comment down below your opinions and then only then I'll upload the new chap.

And do you know you people are wonderful. My writing isn't so good so please help me with it, tell me my mistakes and where I should change which thing.

Feel free to dm I'll reply everyone.

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