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Jungkook blushed on their way home, his coworkers thought that Jimin was boyfriend and was teasing him about it. Jimin continues to chuckle as he saw the younger's reddened cheeks. The younger pouts, and slaps the older's chest, regretting it after the older stopped chuckling.
"I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't mean to" Jungkook says, backing away. As he backed away, a car drove right beside him. He was saved by Jimin who looks at him with worry.

"Are you okay? Such reckless driver, not paying attention to his surroundings" The older says, seeing the younger's shocked state. The younger didn't respond, just stayed in a state of shock.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jimin says, the younger looks at him before passing out. He managed to catch him, but he also need to carry him back home.

As he picks the younger up, he noticed how light he was. He shrugged the thought off before he walked home with the younger in his arms.

Jungkook woke up as light rays hit him, he looks around even though his vision was blurry. He looks around for his glasses, touching something. His eyes widened, quickly getting his glasses which he later found in the bedside table. He wears it, looking at what he touched. His eyes widened more, it was Jimin, shirtless near him.

'What happened!?' Jungkook thought as he looks at Jimin with wide eyes.

He gets his inhaler, taking a few puffs before putting it back to where he got it. He looks under the duvet, seeing that he was only wearing his short shorts, and Jimin only wearing boxers.
"No, no, no, no!" He screams, startling the now awake older who was literally right next to him.
"Oh, you're awake" Jimin says, yawning as he rests his head on his left arm.

"What happened!? Why is my lower part only in shorts!?"

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