Part 1 (Betrayal)

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Edited 7/6/2020

(Just to let y'all know I haven't edit this fic at all. So there's really bad spelling grammar. I wrote this when I was 13.)

I was at the arena training with some holograms after finishing with that. I made my way to my room in the palace, when I got there I took a shower.

After taking a shower I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where Luke my close friend was playing with Bianca, Zoe, Silena, Charles, and Castor tag you might ask yourself how in the hell are they alive well let's go back 10 earth year back


  I was coming back from a quest Athena sent me to so I could finally get her blessing to marry my wise girl when I got to camp I heard the girliest scream in my life I saw a guy around 15 on the border being attacked by hellhounds I started to run to help the kid I uncapped Riptide and kill the 2 hellhounds when I was turning around to help the kid get up, he made me fall and he took riptide " what the hell man why didn't you help me I was about to die" said the boy. Are you shitting me I thought to myself? "I just saved your ass" I scream back, that's when I noticed that everyone at camp was there and they were looking at me. What I didn't expect was what my wise girl said "Percy what the Hades he could have died." and then Chiron looked at me and I could see he was mad at me but I didn't expect him to say, "am disappointed in you Perseus I expected better from you." I flinched as he used my full name. They didn't care that I was home. They were mad at me because of the boy.


When Friday came I was excited to play capture the flag.

I was happy to be able to beat Osvaldo's ass (that was the kid's name). But the thing that bothers me the most is that he has black hair like mine but his eyes are brown like Tyson's could it be that Poseidon broke the oath twice no it couldn't he wouldn't right. When it was time to finally play I was in the opposite team of Osvaldo. That's when I heard the horn time to beat somebody's ass.

When I got to the flag there was only one person guarding it, the one and only Osvaldo, I ran towards him. He tried to fight back but he didn't last. I took the flag to the other side we had won but no one was cheering. They were looking at Osvaldo, something green was floating on his head. It couldn't be a Trident No! I scream in my head "Hail Osvaldo son of Poseidon god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses." said Chiron.

My life was miserable the day I found out that Osvaldo was my half-brother. Things started to go downhill for me when someone broke Jason glasses "Percy what the Hades why did you break my glasses" said an angry Jason" you think it was me were bro, I would never do that to you" I said "I don't know what to think of you anymore Percy you've changed since you came back from your quest." said Jason. Then someone told everyone at camp about Hazel's secret, a couple of days after that someone stole Frank's stick the same day Piper came from her cabin screaming she had pink hair all of them thought it was me it hurt it that they thought I would do that to them.

One day I was on the beach thinking of how I was going to ask Annabeth to marry me when when I heard the one and only Osvaldo" Me Osvaldo challenge you, Percy Jackson to a dual to finally see who is strongest" said Osvaldo " yes" I said rather quick because I could finally quick his ass "let me get Chiron" I said "No are you so scared that you need Chiron to be here, are you that scared of me" Osvaldo said, "Ummm no ok then let's fight". it was so easy it only lasted a few minutes when I finally had my swords in his neck he screen "FATHER" Poseidon appear "Perseus Jackson am disappointed in you how could you treat your brother like that " "Father I didn't do anything he's the one that wanted a dual, not me" I said "He's lying father he wanted to kill me because I'm better than him" Osvaldo said with a smile on his face "Perseus Jackson I Poseidon disowned Perseus Jackson you are no longer my son you are a disgrace to my name" Poseidon said. That's when a ball of green light left my body. It hurt like being stabbed many times, no even worse I left to cabin 3.


It's been a week since my-Poseidon disowned me. Things have been happening since Osvaldo got here, he started to spread lies about me that weren't true. My closest friend believed Osvaldo's word over mine. I was sad they forgot about my fatal flaw and that made me sad.

A week later I went to the beach even do I wasn't Poseidon son anymore the sea still calm me when I saw a couple making out I was happy for them at least someone was happy that's when I notice the honey blonde hair the was my wise girl kissing Osvaldo "ooh Osvaldo I don't know how I was dating the good for nothing brother of your". I drop the ring I was going to use to propose to Annabeth "Are you kidding me Annabeth" I scream "wait Percy is not" I didn't let her finish I ran to cabin 3, that thing that bothers me the most is that it didn't hurt that bad seeing Annabeth kissing my half-brother it didn't bother me that much I kind of saw it coming. That night I wrote letters to the only people I had left.

Dear Annabeth

I hope you are happy with my brother

I don't know what I did for you to leave me for my brother but I hope that you are happy with your decision. I only want you to know that for some reason it doesn't hurt that bad but it still hurts because at one point in my life I did love you, wise girl.

Love Percy

Dear Nico

I just want to let you know that I am sorry for not coming back with Bianca. I am sorry that I let you down dead breath.

Love Percy

Dear Leo

Leo Valdés, the funniest person I know right after me of course. I only want to tell you to look after Nico because I know he's going to look for me if it's the last thing he does. Thank you for not turning your back on me.

Love Percy

Dear Thalia

Hey pinecone face I know that you have no idea of what is going on on camp but I know that if you did you would beat everyone's asses thank you for being the best cousin ever

Love Percy

Dear Clarissa

I am shocked about actually writing this to you, Clarissa well. I only have a thing to say to you. You better take care of camp because I know you are the only capable camper of doing this.I hate to say this but am going to miss you.

Love Percy

I took a backpack and put drachmas, some mortal money, and some ambrosia

I walked up to Thalia's tree, being careful not to wake up the dragon. I wanted to go to my mom's and Paul's place but I knew that this would be the first place they would look for me.

It's been two weeks since I left and the hunters have been chasing me for days but for some odd reason, I can still use my powers.

One night a portal open and a tall man came out he had, black hair like mine and his eyes were beautiful they were like galaxies "Hello Perseus" said the strange man I flinch at the name "It only Percy sir" I said "and by the way who the Hades are you" the man just laughed "My name is chaos your father your real father" said the man I was shocked on what the man said "If you are my father why did you send me here" I scream, tears coming out of my eyes "Am sorry my son when you were born there was a war going on in planet Chaos with my brother Order if he found out that I had a son he would do anything in his power to kill you so I sent you here, and use the mist to make you appear as a son of the good for nothing sea god" said chaos "Cha-father may I ask you something" I said shyly " Yes, of course, my son" said my father "Can you take me home my real home''I said I really wanted to start over and forget about my pass"I thought you would never ask." He opened a portal and I stepped in and said bye to the place I once called home.

Thank you guys for reading. I hope you guys like it. Please go easy on me. This is my first story. Hope you like it. :)

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