Chapter 39

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Important: I'm not going to be following the story line properly for the war against the Volturi or what happens before as some of you may have noticed by now. The reason being I don't have the time to go back and read the book so I'm just making it up.

Chapter 39

The snow had as Alice had predicted stuck and it was now the night before the Volturi were meant to come. Instead of spending the night in the Cullen's house all of us (including all the other vampires and Jacob, Seth and Leah) were out in a clearing in the woods. There were seven smallish tents set up for the seven people here who needed to sleep and there was a campfire at the other end of the clearing with huge logs sat all around it for everyone to sit on.

For once everything was calm and peaceful with everyone sharing their stories with others and spending what could be their last night with the people that they care about. Despite the circumstances it was quite nice for everyone to be getting along like this.

More than anything though, I was scared. In theory I should probably be one of the least scared. I was a vampire with powerful powers and even a sword which can penetrate a vampires skin but for once I couldn't help it. No matter what I told myself I was still scared. Maybe it's because almost all of my fear is for the people that I care about and not for myself.

Stefan and Vladimir were talking about the days when they used to rule before the Volturi invaded and took over killing most of the others in their coven. I don't really like Stefan and Vladimir that much all they care about is a fight with the Volturi and mostly killing them all. If they had the choice between walking away peacefully and fighting; they'd choose fighting every time.

"Are you ok?" Nico asked from beside me. How he even noticed that something was wrong I don't know.

"I'm fine." I lied. Well it was partially the truth. Physically I was fine.

"You do realise I can tell when your lying?" Nico questioned.

"I'm just worried about tomorrow." I told him truthfully this time while watching the flames from the bonfire. I keep half expecting it to change colour but it isn't the campfire, this one was normal.

"We just have to hope that it all works out." Nico replied. "No crime has been committed so their isn't anything they can really charge us with. We have proof that Renesmee isn't an immortal child."

"I don't trust them. I don't trust the Volturi to not find a way around it." I said watching as the flames grew slightly higher as more wood was added by a vampire from another coven. Liam from the Irish Coven I believe though I'm not sure. I'm really not that good with names.

"Maybe they will but there's nothing we can do to change that and there's no point in spending the rest of today filled with thoughts of 'what if?'" Nico replied and I paused for a second before nodding. He was right.

By the time Nico and I had finished talking Stefan and Vladimir where still talking about exactly the same thing. How they were so much better rulers than the Volturi. I dread to think about what sort of rulers they would have been.

"Aunty Arabelle." Renesmee called loudly while running towards me cutting Stefan and Valdimir off from their rant. Of course the next thing she did is sit herself onto my lap. Even though I couldn't really feel the cold I could tell it was there and the fact that I'm a vampire with cold skin probably would help Renesmee who was shivering slightly. I fiddled slightly with the charm until I was temporarily human again.

"Can you tell me your story?" She asked tilting her head up to look at me and widening her eyes. Ok, who taught her to pull puppy dog eyes? I mean you should know never to teach a kid puppy dog eyes. They just use it against you.

Everyone's eyes were on me as Renesmee asked. All the vampires who had come to help the Cullen's were looking curiously probably wanting to know more about Demi-gods (thank you for that Apollo, Hermes and Hades) while Stefan and Vladimir were just glaring at me. Probably because I was the reason that their rant was interrupted. Not that we were all bored of it by now.

"Well, I was born on the 12th February 17 years ago-"


While telling my story there were quite a few things a left out, like the fact that Nico is my soulmate, and there were many things I made to seem nowhere near as bad as they really were mostly for Renesmee's sake. She was technically only around five months old even if she does look a lot older and acts a lot more mature.

"And well that pretty much brings us up to now..." I finished trailing off at the end. It had taken me half an hour to tell my story without going into much detail. I guess it shows how much happens in a demi-gods life before they even reach 18. That's if they do reach 18. A lot don't.

Glancing back over to the campfire I was slightly startled when Renesmee reached up to touch my cheek. A series of images passed through my head until she removed her hand. The annoying thing was that despite the fact that she was five months old, she was right. I did need to tell Nico.

Thankfully at that point Stefan and Vladimir decided to launch back into their story drawing the attention away from me. "Thank you Aunty Arabelle." Renesmee told me before climbing back down from my lap and running back over to Bella and Edward. After a minute of convincing myself that Renesmee was right I finally managed to convince myself.

"I need to talk to you." I muttered to Nico before standing up and heading in the direction of one of the tents. The tents were ridiculous. You had to duck slightly to get inside but they were a lot bigger than expected. The tents all had a sort of entrance hall in which you can easily stand up and walk around. At the back of the tent there is another compartment which basically has a sleeping area. They're a lot more impressive than they sound.

I placed my hand on the side of the entrance and watched as a faint golden light travelled all around the entrance hall creating a sound proof barrier. I didn't really want vampires to listen into the conversation even if they do it without realising.

A few seconds later a confused looking Nico headed into the tent. Nervously I began to fiddle with my ring on my finger without realising unsure on how to start saying what I wanted to say. Another part of my reluctance was probably my fear of his reaction.

"Renesmee made me realise something before. I've known for months now but haven't told you. It was actually Rosalie who told me which is strange because Alice seems more like the person to tell me this sort of thing. Im guessing you already know about vampire having soulmates since pretty much every vampire here seems to have one and as well as you being my blood singer you're also my soulmate and there are reasons that I didn't-"

There always seems to be one moment in your life where you're so shocked that your brain can't even begin to function. This was mine. Why? Because the thing that cut me off from my awkward rambling was Nico's lips. On mine.

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