Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

After my conversation with Deimos and Phobos I headed back to the canteen only for the bell to ring. I stood leaning against the wall until I spotted Nico and Emmett whom were both in my class.

"Hey." I greeted them.

"Hey Arabelle." They both replied. We began to head to class ignoring the people who were still whispering about both Nico and I. Honestly, when will they give it a rest and get over the fact that there are two new people.

The three of us entered the classroom and immediately sat at the back of the room. For some strange reason I always seem to sit either at the back or close to it. I don't know why.

After a few seconds Brittany and her two followers walked in and began glaring at me.

"What've you done to annoy those three?" Emmett asked me.

"I had a little run in with them on the way to see Deimos and Phobos." I answered shrugging.

"Little? They look pretty annoyed to me." Emmett replied.

"I guess they just didn't get the answer they were looking for." I told him smirking slightly.


"Your getting better." I told Nico as I helped him back up.

"Thanks." Nico replied sheathing his sword. "When's your dad getting here?"

"Right now." A voice spoke stepping out of the tree line and into view. "You ready to go?" My dad then asked the two of us.

"I am." I told him.

"And me." Nico added.

"Let's get going then." My father said cheerfully heading over to us. I took my dad's hand and Nico took mine. I felt my cheeks warm slightly and went wide eyed as we were surrounded in golden light. Since when do I blush? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I don't blush. Eurgh now I feel like some stereotypical teenage girl.

When the light faded I glanced across at Nico who didn't seem to have seen then to my dad who smirked at me. Oh gods. Can someone lie and tell me he didn't see that please? No? Fine.

"Where are we going?" I asked my dad.

"There's a building not far from here which Athena believes Zeus has forgotten about since Annabeth hasn't redesigned it. Anyway centuries ago it was used when us gods were training to fight using different weapons." Apollo replied quietly. I nodded and continued to follow my dad through Olympus. Occasionally the three of us would have to duck out of sight from Nymphs and minor gods but other than that the journey was uneventful.

The building certainly seemed forgotten.

The three of us headed up the short staircase and through the old marble door engraved with images of the gods.

"Apollo?" I heard Artemis shout from what seemed like a few rooms away.

"Yeah it's us, we weren't followed." Apollo shouted back before leading Nico and I through an empty room and into he next one.

"Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite." I greeted them respectfully. Hades probably want here because it would be suspicious if he kept leaving the underworld. Like, Zeus would want to know what in the name of Olympus was going on suspicious.

"Arabelle, Nico. Honestly Apollo how long did it take you to get these two here?" Artemis asked.

"I stopped off at Starbucks." My dad shrugged. I rolled my eyes. Although I had hardly ever met my dad I knew that it was something that he would do.

"Anyway we should probably get to work before Zeus notices we're nowhere to be found." Athena told us.

"We'll take Arabelle then and you can take Nico to train with some different weapons then." Aphrodite said to Athena who nodded. Athena then turned to Nico and guestured for him to follow her.

"See you in a bit then." Nico told me.

"See you." I replied to him. Nico followed Athena into the empty room that we passed through and the three remaining gods in the room turned to look at me. "So...What's first?"


"You need to focus Arabelle." Artemis told me.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" I snapped then sighed. "Sorry."

"It's fine Arabelle." My dad told me then gestured to Aphrodite and Artemis to head over to him. I stayed where I was as my dad, Artemis and Aphrodite talked in hushed whispers which since I was human I couldn't hear. After about a minute Artemis walked up to me.

"Is there any sort of emotion that could link to using it do you think?" Artemis asked crouching down beside me. I shrugged but thought back anyway.

"Is there any sort of emotion that could link using it do you think?" Artemis asked crouching down beside me. I shrugged but thought back.

When I used it to get the gods to tell me what was going on. When I used it to prove it to Deimos and Phobos.

"Anger." I answered after a minute. The first time I was angry at the gods for not telling me what was going on and the second time I was still angry about Brittany and her two barbie followers.

"Thanks Arabelle."

"For what?" I asked confused as Artemis went back over to Apollo and Aphrodite. After a couple of seconds Aphrodite headed over to the door that Nico and Athena were behind and knocked before heading in. What is going on? I looked over at my dad and Artemis confused as Nico, Aphrodite and Athena headed in. Ok... What is going on?

I cast my confused look over to Nico who caught it and shrugged. Seems he doesn't know what is going on either.

"If she can't do it then we might as well turn her into Zeus. Let him do what he wants with her. What's the point of her having the soul of Olympus if she can't use it to protect it. Might as well just make Nico leave and leave her." Athena said coldly glaring at me. I frowned ever so slightly hurt and upset but it quickly turned to anger. How could she say something like that? Actually, how dare she?!

"I want you to leave." I told Athena looking directly into her eyes. They glazed over and she silently turned on her heel and left the building in an almost robotic fashion. My dad, Artemis and Aphrodite then all high fived which was weird in itself but under the circumstance seemed even weirder.

"It worked." Apollo said sounding sort of surprised.

"Of course it worked it was my idea." Artemis replied sounding sort of offended.

"What was your idea?" I asked Artemis not in a controlling way but just normally.

"I figured it would be easier for you if we triggered your anger since you told me that was the emotion that you linked to it. It worked anyway. None of what Athena said was true, it was just to get you angry enough." Artemis told me before turning and heading out of the building. Probably to get Athena back.

The four of us stood in a sort of awkward silence until Artemis and Athena got back, none of us wanting to particularly start a conversation.

"I've had a thought Apollo." Athena said as she hesitantly entered the room. Probably because of my god compulsiony thing from before.

"What is it?" Apollo asked in reply.

"Wouldn't it be easier to send Arabelle and Nico to Camp Half-Blood where they'll be better protected?"

AN: sorry it's so terrible but I wrote it quite quickly and I honestly completely made this whole chapter up as I went a long.

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