Chapter 28

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Wedding outfit:

Chapter 28

2 weeks later

I was stuck in the Aphrodite cabin again at six in the morning. I really need to start to do something about being in this cabin so much but it's not like I had a choice this time. They literally kidnapped me from the Apollo cabin about two hours ago. It's a good job I don't always need sleep. "Ok she's done." A random Aphrodite girl announced and they all stepped back to admire there work. This is making me feel really uncomfortable right now.

"Can someone untie me now?" I asked nodding my head slightly in the direction of my wrists which were bound to the chair. I tried to secretly leave but they caught me and tied me down.

"Seriously?" I heard Kat ask as she walked into the room. "You guys kidnapped my best friends cousin?"

"Hey Kat, can you untie me please." I called to Kat who thankfully came and released me.

"Sorry about that but they did do a really good job." Kat told me quietly as she led me out of the Aphrodite cabin.

"Thanks Kat." I thanked her both for the compliment and helping me out of the Aphrodite cabin before heading towards Zeus' fist where Nico should be waiting. Despite the fact that it was really early there were still a few campers dotted around who all seemed to be very early risers.

It didn't take long to reach Zeus's fist and I immediately spotted Nico. He was wearing suit trousers and a suit jacket but with just a plain white t-shirt underneath instead of a shirt and a pair of black converse instead of proper shoes. I found myself smiling slightly in amusement at the clothes.

As I got closer I noticed Nico scan the clothes I was wearing in the same way I scanned what he was wearing. "Hey." I greeted Nico stopping about two metres in front of him.

"Hey." Nico greeted in reply.

"You ready to go?" I asked and Nico shook his head.

"Not yet." Nico said and I frowned in confusion as he stepped closed to me. "Turn around." He told me and slightly hesitantly I did. There was a barely noticeable tugging sensation on my scalp and I felt my hair come free of the clip that held it up and tumble down around my shoulders. "Now I'm ready to go."

For once I was glad I was a vampire it means no blushing. "I'll see you later then." I told Nico after a second of allowing my brain to process what happened. In my defence it was early and my brain is always half asleep when it's early.

"See you later." Nico replied. I glanced over at Nico for a split second before consuming myself in light and transporting to the second floor of the Cullen's house. I stumbled slightly as I landed because of the stupid heels, well, them and the pixie that hurtled towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi Alice." I greeted the little vampire not that I was one to particularly talk. I was quite short as well which is really annoying when everyone else seems to be really tall.

"You got the invite." Alice exclaimed excitedly as if she really hadn't expected it to arrive.

"It only arrived two weeks ago." I replied as Alice began to drag me through to her room where Bella and Rosalie were. Bella looked petrified already. Probably worried about tripping.

"Arabelle you made it." Bella exclaimed shocked to see me. Rosalie gave me a smile which I returned.

"The invite arrived two weeks ago and I was allowed to come so here I am." I told Bella shrugging.

"Ok plan time. I'll do makeup, Rosalie you can do hair, Bella you can sit there and not move and Arabelle you can tell us more about Greek stuff because let's face it we all want to know more about it." Alice ordered.

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