Chapter 14

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Photo is Amy

Chapter 14

Alice came skipping into my room with Rosalie in tow at five in the morning. It's a good job I don't sleep or I would probably have thrown a knife at them...and wouldn't have missed. Not that it would damage them.

"Morning Alice, Rosalie." I greeted them slightly confused as to what they were doing here.

"We're getting you ready for your first day." Alice explained skipping over to my closet.

"No dresses." I shouted to her knowing there was no point arguing.

"Fine." She called back. I sighed and glanced over to Rosalie.

"I got dragged into it." She explained and I nodded before getting up off my bed gesturing to Rosalie that I was going to the bathroom. She nodded and I flashed into the bathroom before Alice could stop me. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up before stepping in. This was going to be a long day. I hadn't been to school since I was six.


Two whole hours later and Alice and Rosalie were finally done. My hair had been lightly curled but otherwise left alone. Rosalie had left my makeup so natural that you would hardly tell it was there but I did have mascara and eyeliner to make my now almost completely golden eyes pop out. Thankfully, my clothes weren't even as bad as I had feared.

"Thanks." I told Alice and Rosalie, hugging both of them. Yes, Rosalie hugged me back. We had got quite close in the past two hours surprisingly.

"Come on let's go downstairs." Alice said excitedly. How can someone be excited for school? I have been in eleven years and I'm not excited. I inwardly sighed and followed Alice and Rosalie down the stairs and into the kitchen where the rest of the Cullen's and Nico were.

"Let's go before we're late." Edward said spotting us. All seven of us (not including Bella since she had gone home) headed into the garage and began to pool into the cars that had been sorted out in advance yesterday. Rosalie, Emmett and Edward were in one car while Alice, Jasper, Nico and I were in the other.

Rosalie's car pulled out of the driveway first with our car following close behind. I sighed and lent my head again the car window as we began the car drive to school in silence, none of us really wanting to start a conversation. You could say it was quite an awkward car journey.

Reaching school was worse.

As soon as the two cars pulled up in the car park next to each other everyone in the car park turned to look at the two cars as if celebrities were about to get out or something. I noticed Rosalie, Emmett and Edward get out the car next to us and sighed as Alice and Jasper opened their doors. "Ready?" I asked Nico.

"Not really." He replied

"Let's go then." I said reluctantly. Pretty much simultaneously Nico and I opened car doors and stepped out of the car both heading around to the front where the rest of the Cullen's were. I could feel pretty much every pair of eyes on both Nico and I. Didn't these people have anything better to do? "Is it always like this?" I asked Alice who nodded.

"Forks is a small town. Whenever something new happens everyone wants to know about it." She told me before guest urging for Nico and I to follow her to the office so we could get our timetables.

"Ah, you must be Arabelle Cullen and Nico di Angelo, am I right?" The kind looking reception lady asked. I studied her for a second before nodding as I heard Alice leave the room to head back to the rest of the Cullen's. Since I never use my last name due to obvious reasons (my mum abandoning me) I am now a Cullen as I can't really go to school without a surname.

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz