Sequel info

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Sequel info

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed Golden Eyes, now I know some of you will want to know about a sequel and yes I am planning on writing my own. The main reason I'm writing it is because I've had all the ideas for the sequel floating around in my head since around half way through this book.

Anyway hopefully I'll get the first chapter of the sequel up within the next few days.

This is the first book that I've ever finished and that's thanks to the supportive comments from you guys. I could probably go into a whole rant about how amazing you all are but I'm not going to bore you.

So, even though I'm going to write the sequel I have no idea about the title. I do want it linked to this title on some way or another but other than that what do you guys think the title should be? Any ideas?

I think that's all I wanted to say.... Oh wait, I'll post on here one last time when the sequel is ready just to tell you guys :)

Have a great day, night, morning, evening

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